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CRM Settings

Stage Gate Configuration

  • Stage Gates - an automated process for Winning or Losing a Case.
  • Case moves to the next stage automatically when all gate questions are answered.
  • Pre-defined ‘Steps’ (Gates) need to be completed for the case stage to progress to the next stage.
  • Stage Gates can be enabled / disabled per Case Type.
  • Specific Stages can be selected per Case Type (not all stages will be relevant to a specific Case Type).
  • A stage gate could be a: Yes / No Question, Question / Answer, Question with Drop-Down List Answer.
  • Ability to select which Case Types have Stage Gates enabled.
  • Ability to Add Case Types, Case Stages and Stage Gates within CRM.
Ribbon Access: Webpage >   http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx

View Case Types

  • Click on the Settings button to the right of your UserName.

  • The session Options page will pop up.
  • Click on Case Config.

  • The Case Configuration screen will be displayed.
  • Click on the '+' sign in the Case Types section to view all current case types.

  • A list of Case Types will be displayed in the Case Types section.

Add A Case Type

  • In the Case Types section, go to the last row.

  1. Type in the code.
  2. and case type description of the new case type you wish to add.
  3. Click on the Enable Stage Gates checkbox if you wish to enableStages Gates for this Case Type.
  4. Type in the sort order number or use the up and down arrows to select the sort order number for the Item Position.
  5. Click on the 'Check Mark' to save the new Case Type.

  • The newly added Case Type will be displayed in the Case Types section.
      • Note: On save, a prefix may be added to the Code. In this image, the prefix added is CRMCT.

Manage Case Types

Edit A Case Type

  • You can edit the case type description, Item Position and enable / disable stage gates.
  • Click on the Case Type Description textbox or item position textbox you wish to edit.
    • For the purpose of this manual, case type description will be edited.

  1. Edit the case type description as required.
  2. Click on the 'Check Mark' to save the changes.

  • The edited Case Type will be displayed in the Case Types section.


Case Type - Enable / Disable Stage Gates  

  • On the case type you wish to enable stage gates for,
  • click on the unmarkedcheck box.

  1. The checkbox will become marked.
  2. Click on the 'Check Mark' to save the changes.

  • The Stage Gate will now be enabled on the selected case type.

  • On the case type you wish to disable stage gates for,
  • click on the markedcheck box.

  1. The check box will become unmarked.
  2. Click on the 'Check Mark' to save the changes.

  • The Stage Gate will now be disabled on the selected case type.

Delete A Case Type

  • On the case type you wish to delete,
  • click on the Delete icon.

  • A message box will pop up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to delete this Case Type?
  • Click on Ok.

  • The Case Type will be removed from the Case Type section.

View Case States

  • Click on the '+' sign in the Case States section to view all current Case States.

  • A list of all Case States will be displayed.

Add A Case State

  • In the Case States section, go to the last row.

  1. Code: Type in the code of the new case state you wish to add.
  2. Case State: Type in the case state description of the new case state you wish to add.
  3. Case State % Value: Type in the percentage of completion for this case state.
  4. Click on the 'Check Mark' to save the new case state.

  • The newly added Case State will now be displayed in the Case States section.
      • Note: On save, a prefix may be added to the Code. In this image, the prefix added is CRMCS.

Manage Case States

Edit A Case State

  • You can edit the case state description and the Case State % Value.
    1. Click on the case state description textbox you wish to edit or the
    2. Case State % Value textbox you wish to edit.

  1. Edit the case state description and or the
  2. Case State % Value as required.
  3. Click on the Check Mark to save the changes.

  • The edited Case State will be displayed in the Case States section.

Delete A Case State

  • Click on the Delete icon on the case state you wish to delete.

  • A message box will pop up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to delete this Case State?
  • Click on Ok.

  • The Case State will be removed from the Case States section.

View Case Stage Gates

  • Click on the '+' sign in the Case Stage Gates section to view all current Case Stage Gates.

  • A list of Case Stage Gates will be displayed.

Case Stage Gates Details

  1. Case Type: This shows the case type of the case stage gate.
  2. Case State: This shows the case state of the case stage gate
  3. Gate Question: This shows the gate question.
  4. Tool tip: This shows the tool tip that will come up when hoving on the stage gate on the case, as a reminder or hint regarding the Stage Gate question.
  5. Gate Type: This shows the gate type.

  • For the
    1. Lookup List Gate Type the:
        1. Blank row is used to add Lookup Items.
        2. Up / Down arrows are used to reorder the Lookup Items.
        3. Check Mark is used to save the changes made.
        4. Delete icon is used to remove a lookup list item.

  1. Order: This shows the sort order number which determines the item position.
  2. Active: This shows whether the stage gate question is enabled or disabled.
  3. Actions - Check Mark: This is used to save changes made to the item.
  4. Actions - Delete Icon: This is used to remove the item from the Case Stage Gate list.

Add A Case Stage Gate

  • In the Case Stage Gates section, go to the last row.

  1. Case Type: Select the Case Type for this Stage Gate.
  2. Case State: Select the Case State for this Stage Gate.
  3. Gate Question: Type in the Stage Gate question.
  4. Tool tip: The tooltip will come if when hoving on the stage gate on the case, as a reminder or hint regarding the Stage Gate question.
  5. Gate Type: You can select:
    • Checkbox: This is used for a Yes / No Stage Gate Question.
    • Text Input: This is used for a Stage Gate Question that will require you to type in an answer.
    • Lookup List: This is used for a Stage Gate Question that will require you to select an answer from the defined lookup list.
  6. Lookup Options: Type in the list of answers for the Lookup List Gate Type.
  7. Order: Select the order these gates should display.
  8. Active: Select whether this gate is Active or not.
  9. Actions: Click on the 'Check Mark' to save the changes.

  • The newly created Case Stage Gate will now be displayed in the Case Stage Gates section.

Manage Case Stage Gates

Edit A Case Stage Gate  

  • Click on any of the selection or text boxes you wish to make a change.

  1. Make the relevant changes.
  2. Click on the 'Check Mark' to save the changes.

  • The edited Case Stage Gate will be displayed in the Case Stage Gates section.

Delete A Case Stage Gate

  • Click on the Delete icon on the case stage gate you wish to delete.

  • A message box will pop up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to delete this Stage Gate?
  • Click on Ok.

  • The Case Stage Gate will be removed from the Case Stage Gates section.