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Human Resources

Employees - Reports (Employee Time Sheets)

Ribbon Access: Finance / HR Employees

  • The Employees listing screen will open.
  • Select Reports

    • Click on Reports.

    • The Time Sheet Reports screen will open.

    Select Date Parameters

    • Start Date: This will auto populate with the date 7 days prior to the current date.
    • End Date: This will auto populate with the current date.
    • If you wish to change the range, type in the correct dates in each date field.

    • Or click on the drop-down arrow in each date field to make your selection.

    • The calendar feature will open.
    • Select the date range that you wish to view.

    • Or click on the Clear button on the drop-down calendar.

    • The date field will be blank and you can type in the correct date.

    Select Employee

    • Click on the search button in the Employee field.

    • The Select the Employee screen will pop up.
    • Select the row of the relevant employee.
    • Click on Ok.

    • The employee name will now be displayed in the Employee field.

    Print Employee Time Sheet Report

    • Leave the Summary check box un-ticked for an employee Time Sheet Report.
    • Click on Ok.

    Select Report Options

    • The Detailed Time Sheet Report preview screen will open.
    • From here you can use the toolbar to View, Print, Export or Email the Report.
    • Close the report preview screen when you are done.

    Print Summary Time Sheet Report

    • In the Time Sheet Reports screen -
    • Select the Start Date and End Date.
    • Leave the Employee field blank for a Summary Time Sheet Report.
    • Click in the Summary check box.
    • Click on Ok.

    View Time Sheet Summary

    • An Excel spread sheet will open.
    • Here you can view the Time Sheet Summary of all employees for the selected dates.
    • Either Close, or minimise the spread sheet screen to return to the Time Sheet Reports screen.