CRM Basics

Activities Target versus Actual

Your Activities Summary will indicate your Target Activities vs Completed Activities for the last [30] days the amount of days are configurable according to your company requirements.  The completed activities are split between Existing BPO Clients and New Customers.

The default Activity Types are: Meeting, Email, Phone Call and Site Inspection. These can be configured according to your company requirements.

Access:  Webpage - http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx
  1. In the CRM Homepage,
  2. Click in the Activities for the Last 30 Days summary frame.

Activities for the Last 30 Days page

  1. A report of your Activities for the Last 30 Days will open.
  2. The graph in this page will display:
    • Actual activities for new customers in the last 30 days
    • Actual activities for existing customers in the last 30 days
    • The Target figures for each activity for the last 30 days (e.g. the target figure for Phone Calls in this example is 10,000 in 30 days).
  3. The lower half of the page contains a frame that lists the customers linked to these activities.
  4. Click on the Status drop-down arrow.

Status Menu

  1. The Status menu will appear, this will default to All (All customers with linked activities in the last 30 days will be displayed in this frame).
  2. You can type in the filter row to filter by specific text e.g. a customer / contact name.
  3. You can select to filter by customers with completed activities.

Time Period Selection Menu

  1. Click on the second drop-down arrow.
  2. A time period selection panel will be displayed.
    • From: Either type in or click on the drop-down arrow and use the calendar function to select the filter from date.
    • To: Either type in or click on the drop-down arrow and use the calendar function to select the filter to date.
  3. You can also select the applicable check box(es) to filter by e.g. Select Week or Last Month.
  4. When you have finished selecting the filter options;
    • Either select OK to save the changes,
    • Or select Cancel to annul the changes.
  5. You can Refresh this page if required.
  6. Click on the Back button to return to the previous page.