CRM Customers

Serialised Equipment

In CRM, you can view serialised equipment items for the customer in 2 different screens:

  • The Equipment for[Salesman's Name] Customers screen
    • This will list by serial number, all the equipment items that are linked to the salesman's customers.
    • From this screen, you can view:
      • The Contract Details linked to each serialised equipment item, if applicable.
      • The Contract Performance Report for each serialised equipment item.
  • The Equipment for [Customer Name] screen
    • This will list by serial number, all the equipment items that are linked to the selected customer.
    • From this screen, you can also view:
      • The Model No., Description, and contract details of each serialised equipment item, if applicable.
      • The Contract Performance Report for each serialised equipment item, if applicable. (Access to this report will depend on your security rights.)
Ribbon Access: Webpage >   http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx

The 'Equipment for [Salesman's Name] Customers' screen

  1. In the Homepage,
  2. Click on the Equipment tile.
  3. You will note a number in the top right corner of this tile - this indicates the total amount of serialised equipment items linked to the salesman's customers.

  1. The Equipment for[Salesman's Name]Customers page will open.
  2. These items are listed by Serial No.

View Equipment Item 'Contract Details'

  1. Us the scroll bar, the Create Filter row or the Filter Box to search for the specific serial number that you wish to view the contract details of.
  2. Click on the expand icon in front of that selected serial number.
  3. Note that only the blue-coloured serial numbers are currently linked to contracts. The black serial numbers are invoiced equipment items.

  1. A sub-grid will open containing details of the contract that is linked to this serialised equipment item.
  2. Collapse the sub-grid when you have finished viewing it.

View 'Contract Performance Report'

  1. Hover over the serial number of the equipment item that you wish to view the Contract Performance Report of.
    • Remember this will be a blue-coloured number.
  2. A screen tip will pop up with the text; View Contract Report.
  3. Click anywhere on the serial number.

  1. The Report Viewer and Emailer preview screen will be displayed.
  2. Here, you can view, download and / or print the Contract Performance report.
  3. Either, click on the Back button to return to the previous page.
  4. Or, click on the Page icon in the top left of the page to return to the Homepage .

The 'Equipment for[Customer Name]' screen

  1. In the Homepage,
  2. Click on the Customers tile.

  1. The Customers page will open.
  2. Use the Page Reference field, scroll bar or Filter Text Box to find the applicable customer.
  3. Click in the View column in the row of the selected customer.
    • In this example, the selected customer is Hope Works.

  • The selected Customer Homepage will be displayed.
  • Click on the Equipment tile.

  1. The Equipment for [ Customer Name ] page will open.
  2. As well as listing the equipment items by Serial No, this page also contains columns for the:
    • Model No and
    • Description of each item.
  3. You can view Contract Information columns in this page:
    • Contract No
    • Months Remaining
    • Avg Monthly Copies
    • Avg Monthly Invoice
    • Avg Monthly Costs
    • Avg Monthly NP
  4. You can view the Available Upgrade Budget information for each item.

In this page - you can:

  1. Use the Filter Row or the Create Filter functionality to search for specific details.
  2. View the serialised equipment Contract details, if applicable, (the blue-coloured serial numbers are linked to contracts).
  3. View the Contract Performance Report, if applicable, (the blue-coloured serial numbers are linked to contracts).
  4. Click on the Customers icon to return to the Customer Homepage.
  5. Click on the Back button to return to the previous page.
  6. Click on the page icon on the top left of the page to return to the Homepage.