CRM Customers

Third Party

Third Party contains information relating to a customer's current (or expired) contract with a third party provider.

This is helpful for the various reasons including the following:

  • To know when to contact your client when their third party contract ends / is due to end.
  • To know what your client's current Item(s) and Item(s) Usage charges are, so that when you create a proposal or quote - you can ensure that it is competitive.

In CRM , you can access current Third Party information for a customer in 2 different pages:

  1. From the CRM Homepage. This will direct you to the Third Party for[Salesman's Name] Customers page:
    • This will list all the salesman's customers that are linked to Third Party contracts. This process is covered in CRM Basics: Third Party.
  2. From the Customer Homepage. This will direct you to the Third Party for [Customer Name] page:
    • This will list all the Third Party contracts linked to the selected customer.

The 2nd process is covered in this manual.

Note: To Add a new Third Party to a Customer, it is quickest to navigate from the Customers (listing) page.

Ribbon Access: Webpage >   http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx

Access Current Third Party Information from Third Party for [Customer Name] Page

  1. In the CRM Homepage,
  2. Click on the Customers tile.

  1. The Customers page will open.
  2. Click on the selected Customer Logo in the View column.

  1. The selected Customer Home page will open.
  2. Click on the Third Party tile.

  1. The Third Party for [Customer] page will open.
  2. Here you can view a list of all the Third Party contracts 'Main' Information linked to this specific customer.
  3. Click on the expand icons to Quick View the Third Party Item and Quick View the Third Party Item Usage.
  4. You can hover over any of these frames to display the Action buttons:
    • View / Edit
    • Delete

Use these buttons to;

  1. View / Add /Edit the Third Party 'main' information,
  2. View / Add /Edit the Third Party 'item' information,
  3. View / Add /Edit the Third Party 'item usage' information,

Add New Third Party Information directly from the Customers (listing) page

  1. In the CRM Homepage,
  2. Click on the Customers tile.

  1. The Customers (listing) page will open.
  2. Hover over the selected customer until you can view the Action buttons panel.
  3. Click on the Add Third Party button.

  1. The Save Third Party page will open.
  2. You can now add the new Third Party Main Information, Item Information and Item Usage Information as described in the Basics: Third Party manual.