CRM Settings

Salesmen Targets

  • Salesman Targets are required for the Activity Target vs Actual (Salesman Target Types and default value for Salesman Activity Target vs Actual chart) and Sales Performance Charts (Sales Performance chart - Salesman Target defaults) in BPOCRM.
  • When a new salesman is created, the salesman targets will be configured with the defaults as set up on the target types.
  • Salesman Targets can be updated per salesman, or globally across multiple salesmen.
Ribbon Access: Webpage >   http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx
  • Click on the Settings button to the right of your UserName.

  • The session Options page will pop up.
  • Click on the Salesmen Settings tile.

  1. The Salesmen tab is selected by default.
  1. Click on the Salesman Monthly Targets tab.

  • A list of Salesmen with their Targets will be displayed.

Updating Individual Salesman Targets

  • You can update an individual salesman's target.
  • Click on the textbox of the salesman's target you wish to update.

  • Update the value.

  1. When you have completed the required changes, click on the Save button or
  2. Save icon.

  • You will return to the Dashboard.

Applying Changes Across Multiple Salesmen

  • If you want your changes to be applied across multiple salesmen, click on the Apply changes to all salesmen checkbox.

  • A message box will pop up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to apply any changes you make to all salesmen? You cannot undo these changes.
  • Click on Ok.

  1. The Apply changes to all salesmen checkbox will become marked.
  2. Click on any textbox of the Target type you wish to update.

  1. Make the relevant changes and click away from the textbox.
  2. A message box will pop up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to apply any changes you make to all salesmen? You cannot undo these changes.
  3. Click on Ok.

  • The changes will be applied across all salesmen.

  • Once you are done with all updates,
    1. click on the Save button or
    2. Save icon.

  • You will return to the Dashboard.