CRM Settings

Salesmen Assignments

Ribbon Access: Webpage >   http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx

Salesmen Settings - Assignments

  • Click on the Settings button to the right of your UserName.

  • The session Options page will pop up.
  • Click on the Salesmen Settings tile.

  1. The Salesmen tab will be selected by default.
  2. Click on the Salesmen Assignments tab.

  • The Assignments section will be displayed.
  • The Salesmen list on the right hand side will show you a list of Salesmen.

View Customers Linked To A Salesman

  • To view customers linked to a salesman (i.e. where the salesman is either the 'main salesman' or 'additional salesman'), click on the Expand button.

  • A list of customers linked to the salesman will be displayed (i.e. where the salesman is either the 'main salesman' or 'additional salesman').

Reassign Customer To Another Salesman

  • If you need to you need to reassign a customer to another salesman, e.g. the salesman has left, or changed selling 'areas'.
    1. In the Choose Salesman field,
    2. click on the down arrow that pops up when you hover over the Choose Salesman text box.

  1. A Salesmen drop-down menu will be displayed.
  1. Select the relevant salesman.
    • In this image, Bevan Venter has been selected.

  1. A list of customers will come up, where this salesman is the default salesman.
  2. Select the customer(s) that need to be re-assigned, by ticking the check box(es).
  3. Drag and drop the customer(s) to the relevant Salesman.  When reassigning a customer, all related cases, reminders and recommendations for the salesman are reassigned to the new salesman.
    • In this image, customer Actuating Drabble is being reassigned from Bevan Venter to Abigail Milne.

  • The customer will no longer be displayed in the customers list of the previous salesman.
    • In this image, Actuating Drabble is no longer displayed in Bevan Venter's customer list.

  1. Click on the Expand button to view the current salesman's customers list.
  2. The customer will now be displayed in the current salesman's customer list.
    • In this image, customer Actuating Drabble is now displayed in Abigail Milne's customer list.
  3. Click on Save.
      • Note: Remember to maximise the screen if you do not see the Save button.

  • You will return to the Dashboard.