CRM Settings

Salesmen Commercials

  • The Salesmen Commercials option is for linking commercials created in BPO to salesmen in CRM.
  • This will be used in BPO Sales Studio quotes to allocate individual salesman unit costs.
Ribbon Access: Webpage >   http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx
  • Click on the Settings button to the right of your UserName.

  • The session Options page will pop up.
  • Click on the Salesmen Settings tile.

  1. The Salesmen tab is selected by default.
  2. Click on the Salesmen Commercials tab.

  • A list of all salesmen with their respective commercials will be displayed.

Link A Commercial To A Salesman

  • Click on the Commercial textbox of the Salesman you wish to link a commercial to.

  1. A menu will be displayed.
      • Note: If the menu is not displayed, click on the Commercial textbox again.
  2. Select the relevant commercial.
    • In this image, Default commercial has been selected.

  1. The Commercial textbox will now be populated with the selected Commercial.
  2. Click on the Save button or
  3. Save icon.

  • You will return to the Dashboard.

Link A Commercial To All Salesmen

  • Click on the Apply changes to all salesmen checkbox.

  • A message box will pop up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to apply any changes you make to all salesmen? You cannot undo the changes.
  • Click on Ok.

  1. The Apply changes to all salesmen checkbox will become marked.
  2. Click on the Commercial textbox of any Salesman.

  1. A menu will be displayed.
      • Note: If the menu is not displayed, click on the Commercial textbox again.
  2. Select the relevant commercial.
    • In this image, Default commercial has been seleccted.

  • A message box will pop up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to apply any changes you make to all salesmen? You cannot undo these changes.
  • Click on Ok,
  • then click any where in the Commercial datagrid.

  1. The selected Commercial will now be linked to all the salesmen.
  2. Click on the Save button or
  3. Save icon.

  • You will return to the Dashboard.

  Edit A Salesman Commercial

  • Click on the Commercial textbox of the Salesman you wish to edit the commercial for.

  1. A menu will be displayed.
      • Note: If the menu is not displayed, click on the Commercial textbox again.
  2. Select the relevant commercial.
    • In this image, PamP commercial has been selected.

  1. The Commercial textbox will now be populated with the selected commercial.
  2. Click on the Save button or
  3. Save icon.

  • You will return to the Dashboard.