

The contract configuration must be set up in order to set up contract types. Once contract types have been set up, then contracts can be loaded onto the system.

A unique Meter Reading Request email message template can be configured: Subject, Email Contact, Meter Detail and Email Salutation.

Ribbon Access:  Configurator   >   Contract > Configuration

    The Contract Configuration screen will be displayed.
    • Billing Method: Ensure that this is set to MINMAX
    • Capture Method: Ensure that this is set to BATCH
    • Auto Bill: This option is flagged by default.
      • This means that the Billing Batch and the Contract Invoices will be created at the same time during Contract Billing (refer to Processing: Billing)
      • Unchecking this flag means that the user will need to run the Billing and then at a later time, create the Invoices from the Billing Batch (refer to Processing: Billing (Auto Bill flag un-ticked).
        Example: This scenario may occur when a company has a substantial number of invoices to be created. Instead of slowing down the system and running them at the same time as the Billing Batch, the invoices can be created after hours when the system is freed up.
  • Meter Reading Request Email configuration:
    • For this configuration, ensure that you use the Parameters as defined in the default setup, so that the correct information pulls through from the database.
    • Update the Subject, Email Content, Meter Detail and Email Salutation as required
    • Click on Save.