Human Resources

Detail Codes

Employee Detail Codes can be set up for details you wish to keep note of, but aren't listed within the system.

You can set up any employee detail codes that you require, e.g. Contract Start Date, Blood Type etc.

Ribbon Access: Configurator > Human Resources   >   Detail Codes

The Detail Codes screen will be displayed.

View Current Detail Codes

  • Here you can view a data grid of all the detail codes currently on the system.

Add Detail Code

  • Click in the Employment Detail Code Grouping text box in the last row of the data grid.

  • This row will now be 'activated'.
  • You can now enter in the new Employee Custom Detail in this new row as required.
    • Employee Detail Code Grouping: Type in a code for this employee detail grouping.
    • Employee Detail Code: Type in an employee detail code.
    • Employee Detail Description: Type in an employee detail description.
    • Status: This will auto populate with A - Active.
    • Sort Order: Click in this text box and either type in or use the arrow indicators to select the sort order for this employee custom detail code.
    • Note: The sort order is the order in which this will appear in the employee custom detail code drop-down list in BPO. If each employee custom detail code has the number 1, then the drop-down list will usually default to an alphabetical order in BPO. If, for example, it is numbered 5, in a numbered list, then it will appear 5th in the drop-down list in BPO.

Save Detail Code

  • When you have finished adding the new employee detail code details, press Enter on your keyboard.
  • An Update message box will appear, asking;
    • Are you sure you want to save changes to this Detail Code?
  • Click on Yes.

  • The new employee detail code will be saved and a new row will be added the Detail Codes data grid.

View Detail Code in BPO

  • Now that we have added a Detail Code in the Configurator, let's see where we can view this information in BPO.
Ribbon Access: BPO   >  Finance and HR   >  Employees

The Employees listing screen will be displayed.

  • Click on the row selector in front of any employee.
    • In this image, David Rowe has been selected.
  • Click on the Custom Details tile.

  • The Custom Details for: [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • Here you can view a list of the correlating employee custom detail codes as set up in the Configurator.
    • In this image, the newly added code Foreign Identity has been underlined.