
Company - Setting Up Tax Rates

Tax rates need to be set up so that you can add tax to items e.g. 15% VAT on stock sold.

Ribbon Access:  Configurator   >   Company > Company

  • The Company Maintenance screen will be displayed.
  • Click on the Configuration tab.

  • You can now view the Tax Rates frame.
  • Right click anywhere in a row of the Tax Rates data grid.
  • A Maintain menu will pop up.
  • Click on Add - Add New Tax Rate.

  • The final row in the data grid will be 'activated'.
  • The Tax Type, Tax Type Description, Rate and Default columns will now be populated.

  • Click in the Code text box to reveal an ellipsis button.
  • Click on this button to display the Select a tax code pop up screen.
  • Click on the row selector in front of the tax code that you wish to link to this company.
  • Click on Ok.

  • The Code and Tax Code Desc columns will now populate with the selected code details.
  • Click in the Rate text box and either type in or use the directional arrows to select the tax rate (percentage value).

  • Click in the Default text box to reveal a drop-down menu.
    • Click on Yes if the Tax Rate is to be used by default.
    • Click on No if the Tax Rate is not to be used by default.

  • Click in the Account System Code text box and type in an account system code for this new tax rate.

  • When you have finished adding the new tax rate details, press Enter.
      • Note: The Amend Date column will be adjusted by the system.
  • The new tax rate code will be saved and a new row will be added the Tax Rates data grid.
  • Click on Save .