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System Warehouses - Quarantine

System Warehouse set up is only required if you are going to use the In-transit or Quarantine warehousing functionality.

      Important Notes:

Quarantine Configuration Steps

Create a System Quarantine Warehouse Steps

Follow the process in links 1 above. Step 2 is set out below.

Set the Enforce Quarantine Flag to Yes

Ribbon Access: Configurator   >   Company  

  1. The Company Maintenance screen will open.
  2. Click on the Configuration tab.

  1. The Settings frame will be displayed.
  2. Scroll down the Settings list or use the filter row to search for the
  3. Enforce Quarantine flag description.
  4. Ensure that the flag Value is set to Yes.
  5. Click on Save, if the flag value was changed.

Once you have completed Step 1 to set up a Quarantine Inventory Warehouse and Step 2 to set the Enforce Quarantine flag to 'Yes' you can follow the configuration processes for Steps 3 and 4:

Set 'Shipping Costs Included' Flag

Set Shipping Costs on the Purchasing Centre

When all 4 steps in the configuration set up are completed, follow the process below to complete Step 5:

Create a System Quarantine Warehouse

Ribbon Access: Configurator  >  Company > System Warehouses

  1. The System Warehouses for Company: [ ] screen will open.
  2. Click on Add.

The Warehouse Config Maintenance screen will be displayed.

Warehouse Details

  1. The Warehouse Config Maintenance screen will open.
  2. Fill in the Quarantine Warehouse details:
    • Description: Type in a description that will make sense for you, e.g. Quarantine.
    • Warehouse Name: Search for the warehouse that you wish to use as your Quarantine Warehouse.
    • Bin Name: Search for the bin you wish to use as your Quarantine Bin.
    • Is Stock: Ensure that this check box is un-ticked.
    • Default Location: Ensure that this check box is un-ticked.

Entry Types

  1. When you have entered the Quarantine warehouse details,
  2. Move across to the Entry Types frame.
  3. Right click on the empty row in the data grid (not the filter row) to display the Maintain menu.
  4. Select Add - Add Entry Type.

  1. Search for and select PGRN Goods Received, this will then populate the Entry Types data grid.


  1. Click on the Sites tab.

  1. The Sites frame will come to the fore.
  2. Select the check box in front of the site where you wish to link the Quarantine warehouse.

Save Warehouse

  1. When you have finished adding all the Quarantine warehouse details, click on Save.

  1. You will return to the System Warehouses for Company: [ ] screen.
  2. You can now view the newly added Quarantine warehouse.