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Sales Offices - Address

When configuring Sales Office addresses, it is important to note that a Billing address type must be set up, as this address will pull through on the Sales Invoice.

You can also set up Physical, Postal and Shipping addresses.

Ribbon Access:  Configurator   >   Company > Sales Offices

    The Sales Office Listing for Company: [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • Click on the row selector in front of the sales office that you wish to add an address to.
  • Click on Edit.

    The Edit Sales Office: [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • Right click anywhere in a new row of the Addresses frame.

  • A Maintain menu will pop up.
  • Click on Add - Add New Address

  • Click in the Address Type text box in the Addresses frame.
  • An ellipsis button will be revealed.
  • Click on this button.

    Both methods will bring up the Select an Address Type screen.
  • Click on the row selector in front of the address type that you wish to add to this sales office.
    Note: As a billing address has already been set up on this sales office, a Physical address has been selected in this example.
  • Click on Ok.

    • Address Type: This will now be populated with the address type selected in the previous step.
    • Address Contact Name: Type in the address contact name.
    • Address 1: Type in the first line of the address.
    • Address 2: Type in the second line of the address.
    • Address 3: Type in the third line of the address.

  • Scroll right if necessary, to view the next columns in the row.

    • City: Type in the city name.
    • Postal Code: Type in the postal code.
    • County: Type in the county name.
    • Country: Type in the country name.
    • Tel No: Type in the telephone number.

  • Scroll right, if necessary, to view the remaining columns in the row.

    • Tel Ext: Type in the extension number.
    • Fax No: Type in the fax number.
    • Email Address: Type in the email address.

  • The last column is the Default Address column.
  • As the Billing address must be the default address and there can only be one default address, NO has been selected for this new Physical address.

  • When you have finished adding the new sales office address details, click on Save.

  • The new address details will be saved and you will return to the Sales Office Listing for Company: [ ] screen.