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Static Data

Static Data - Sales: Finance Provider

In the case of BPO, a Finance Provider will supply funds for business activities, such as making purchases for goods and services. These financial institutions, such as banks, will lend capital to your customers to help purchase your products (possibly out of their immediate reach). There will be an agreement to pay back the loan to these Providers, with interest, in a certain period of time.

Ribbon Access:   Configurator   >   Static Data > Static Data

Find the Finance Provider row

  1. The Static Data listing screen will be displayed.
  2. Use the filter row or scroll down the list until you find
  3. the Sales: Finance Provider row.
  4. Click on the expand icon in this row.

  1. The Sales Finance Provider Codes frame will be expanded.
  2. In this example, there are currently 5 Finance Provider codes set up on the system.

Add a Finance Provider

  1. Right click anywhere in a row of the Codes data grid.
  2. A Process menu will pop up.
  3. Click on Add - Add New Code.


  1. The final row in the Codes data grid will now be 'activated'.
  2. The Code Type, Sort Order and Status columns will auto populate.


  1. Code: Click in this text box and type in a code specific for this new Finance Provider.
  2. Code Description: Click in this text box and type in a description for this new Finance Provider code.


  1. Code Type: This can remain as None.
  2. Sort Order: Click in this text box and either type in or use the arrow indicators to select the sort order for this new Finance Provider code.
  3. Status: This will auto populate with A - Active.


    Note on Sort Order:
    The sort order is the order in which this new Finance Provider Code will appear in the Finance Provider Codes drop-down list in BPO2. If each Code has the same number e.g. 0 or 1, then the drop-down list will usually default to an alphabetical order in BPO2. If you wish the Finance Providers to be listed in a certain order then number each one, in the order that you wish to view them.
    If you wish to change the change the Sort Order number:
  1. Click in this text box and either type in the new number
  2. Or use the arrow indicators revealed, to select the sort order number for this new Finance Provider.


Save Finance Provider details

When you have finished adding the new Finance Provider details, either press Tab or Enter on your keyboard or click outside of the data grid.

  1. An Update message box will pop up, asking;
    • Are you sure you want to save changes to this code?
  2. Click on Yes.


  1. The new Finance Provider details will be saved.
  2. A new row will be added to the Codes data grid.

Delete a Finance Provider

  1. Select and right click in the row of the Finance Provider that you wish to delete.
  2. The Process menu will pop up.
  3. Click on Delete: Delete Code.

  1. A Delete Code message box will pop up asking;
    • Are you sure you want to delete this static data code?
  2. Click on Yes.


  1. The selected Finance Provider will be removed from the data grid.
  2. When you have finished working in the Codes frame, collapse the data grid and
  3. Close the screen.