
Short Term Product Configuration

In order to create short term contracts, you need to configure products, with standard charges for the following time periods: Hour, Day, Week.

You need to have a Short Term Contract Type configured.

Version CompatibilityClosed BPO2 v2.5.0.8 or higher. Prior this version - refer to Add Short Term Product

Ribbon Access:  Configurator   >   Contract > Short Term Product Configuration

  • The Short Term Products listing screen will be displayed.
    • Here you can view a list of all the short term products currently on the system.

Add Short Term Product

    • Click on the Add button in this screen.

  • The Add New Product screen will be displayed.
    • Part Code: Click on the search icon in this field.

  • The Select a Part pop up screen will appear.
  • Click on the row selector in front of the part code that you wish to add as a short term product.
  • Click on Ok.

  • The Part Code , Part Description and Model No. fields will auto populate with the details of the part (product) selected in the previous step.

Charges and Configuration Frame

  • The Charges and Configuration frame will auto populate with the fees as configured on the short term contract type.
    1.  Charge Rate: In this column, update the standard fees per period type (Day, Hour, Week) for this part.
    2. Account Code: This column with auto populate with the sales account code as configured on the Contract Type for this fee. This can be changed, if required.
    3. COS Account Code: This column with auto populate with the sales account code as configured on the Contract Type for this fee. This can be changed, if required.

Usage Charges and Configuration Frame

  • The Usage Charges and Configuration frame will auto populate with the usage charge description details linked to the selected part if applicable.
    1.  Charge Rate: Either type in or use the directional arrows to select the standard meter charges for each period type (Day, Hour, Week) for each linked meter.
    2.  Account Code: Either type in or use the directional arrows to select the correct Account Code for each meter and period type.
    3.  COS Account Code: Either type in or use the directional arrows to select the correct COS Account Code for each meter and period type.

  • When you have finished adding all the charges and configuration details, click on Save.

  • The new product details will be saved and you will return to the Short Term Products listing screen.
  • Here you can see the new product has been added to the list.

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