
Buy Back Requests - Edit

For expired contracts that remain active, you have the ability to buy back serial numbers that have been selected, if the selected items are customer assets.

You can edit certain Buy Back Request details before Approval.

Edit Buy Back Request

  • Select the row of the buy back request that you wish to process.

  • Click on the Editbutton.

Edit Details

You can make changes to:

  • The Reason Comments and
  • Line item Values.

Remove Assets

You can also remove an item, if there are multiple lines and one or more lines should not have been included in the buy back. Ensure you have at least one item on the request. If none of these items should be bought back, then Decline the Buy Back Request.

  • Select the asset that must be removed.
  • Right click and select Delete Item from the context menu.

Save Buy Back Request

Once you have made all required changes:

  • Click on the Save button.

The Buy Back Request Processing message box will come up noting: Buy Back Request No [buy back request number] saved successfully.

  • Click on the Ok button.

You will return to the Buy Back Request listing.

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