
View Stock on Hand


Ribbon Access:   Inventory   >   Stock

The Stock Status screen will be displayed.

Select the Site and Status  

  • Select the site.
    • In this image Durban has been selected.

  • This screen should default to the In Stock Only status.
  • If not, ensure that you select the In Stock Only status.

Select the Warehouse  

  • Click on the drop-down arrow in the Warehouse field to display the Warehouse Selection menu.
  • Click on the warehouse you wish to view.
  • In this image, George Warehouse has been selected.

View Stock on Hand for A or B-class Item

  • The parts data grid will now display a list of all the stock item types available on hand in the Current Stock column.

View Quantity and Location

  • To view the quantity and location of an item type, click on the expand icon in the row of the item type that you wish to view.
  • In this image an A-class item has been selected.

  • The Stock frame will be expanded.
  • Here you can view:
    • BatchSerialNo(s) of the selected A-class item(s).
    • Bin Name(s) where the selected A-class item(s) are stored.
    • Quantity of each serial (batch) number in a bin.
    Note: With A-class items, there can be only be one item per batch/serial number.

  • In this image you can see that there is:
    • Quantity 1 of SP1919 Sprint Colour MFC in the George Bin of Batch (Serial) Number: 19-90200.
    • Quantity 1 of SP1919 Sprint Colour MFC in the George Bin of Batch (Serial) Number: 1919-9326.

  • Collapse the Stock frame when you have finished viewing the stock on hand quantities and location of this A-class item.

View Stock on Hand for C-Class Item

  • To view the quantity and location of a C-Class item type, click on the expand icon in the row of the item that you wish to view.
  • In this image an C-class item SP19-147M Magenta Toner has been selected.

  • The Stock frame will be expanded.
  • This shows a list of:
    • BatchNumber(s) of the selected C-Class item if batch tracking is enabled.
    • Bin Name(s) where the selected C-class items are stored.
    • Quantity of each Batch number in a bin.
    Note With C-class items, there can be more than one item per batch number.

  • In this image, there are Quantity 8 of Magenta Toners of Batch Number: 20160701 in the George Bin.

  • Collapse the Stock frame when you have finished viewing the stock on hand quantities and location of this C-class item.