
Maintenance Radar

From the Maintenance (Task) Radar module you can view all due items, add variables to forecast into the future, or pull a list of all items that are due at this point.

Remember the following during task generation:

  1. The task must be set up correctly - view Tasks - Add a Task for more details.
  2. The contract the machine is linked to, must have a contact person assigned.
  3. A Call (and Work Order) will be created from the Maintenance Radar, upon generation of the tasks.  The Call and Work Order date will be set to the date the task(s) have been generated on and not the due date of the specific task. Use the Generate Tasks if you want the Work Order date to be the due date.

Ribbon Access: Maintenance / Projects > Maintenance Radar

  1. The Task Radar screen will display.
  2. The Site will display the default site set up in Configurator.
    • Click on the down arrow to select an alternative site, if required.
  3. For the Radar Type field, the only option available is Site. This means that tasks will be generated for the site selected above.
  4. From this screen you can;