
Production / Products- Print Reports

You can view the Production Summary Report while the production run is still open in

Ribbon Access: Manufacturing   >   Production   >   Print

You can view the Complete Production Summary Report in

Ribbon Access: Manufacturing   >   Products   >   Production History

In Progress Production Summary Report

Ribbon Access:   Manufacturing   >   Production

The Production listing screen will display.

  • Select the row of the production run where you wish to print the In Progress Production Summary Report.
  • Click on Print.

The Report Preview screen will open.

  1. From here you can View, Print, Export or Email the Production Report.
  2. Close the Report Preview screen when you are done.

Complete Production Summary Report

Ribbon Access:   Manufacturing   >   Products

The Products listing screen will display.

  • Select the row of the product where you wish to view the complete Production Report.
  • Click on the Production History tile.

The Production History listing screen will open.

  • Click on the relevant Production Reference Number.
  • Click on Reports.

The Report Preview screen will open.

  1. From here you can View, Print, Export or Email the Production Report.
  2. Close the Report Preview screen when you are done.