
Suppliers - Items Supplied

Linking Items Supplied means that you can associate a part with a supplier for procurement.

You can:

  • Set the Supplier as the Primary Supplier.
  • Set up a Supplier Part Code, Unit Cost, Lead Time and more.
Ribbon Access: Procurement >  Suppliers

Add Items Supplied

The Supplier Listing screen will be displayed.

Select the Site.  

  • In this image Durban has been selected.

Select Supplier

  • Select the row of the Supplier to whom you wish to add an item.
  • Click on the Items Supplied tile.

Link Item to Supplier  

  • The Items Supplied By Supplier - [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • Click on Add.

Add Item Details

  • The Supply Item Maintenance for Supplier [ ] screen will be displayed.
    • Part:  Click on the search icon and select the relevant part.
    • Description:  This will auto populate depending on the part you have selected.
    • Supplier:  This will auto populate depending on the Supplier you initially selected.
    • Name:  This will auto populate depending on the Supplier you initially selected.
    • Bar Code:  Type in the bar code that is linked to the supplier on the part code. (This is important if you are using a Handheld Scanner to scan stock items.
    • Supplier Code:  Type in the part number used by the Supplier. (You can update this if the supplier changes their part number - as this will filter through to the Purchase Order).
    • Blanket PO No:  Purchase Order number relating to the contract if a SLA agreement has been signed with the supplier to procure only from them for a specified period. This is similar to an 'account no'. Leave blank if not applicable.
    • Primary Supplier:  Click on the check box if this is the primary supplier. Each part definition can only have one primary supplier.
    • Currency:  Will be populated based on the currency set up on the supplier.
    • Exchange Rate:  Will be populated based on the Exchange Rate set up in the system.


    • Manufacturer: Click on the search button to select the manufacturer, if required.
    • Code: Type in the part number used by the manufacturer, if required.

    Default Warranty

    • Default Warranty: Search for and select the relevant warranty, if required, only for A-class (serialised) part definitions.
    • Apply Warranty: Select this if the warranty should be auto-linked to the asset when it is GRN'd into store.


    • Unit Cost: Type in the cost per unit
    • Base Unit Cost: Calculated on the Unit cost
    • Lead Time (Days): Type in the lead time in days
    • Contract No: If you have a contract with the Supplier, type in the contract number. Leave blank if not applicable.
    • Page No: Type in the contract page number that relates to this part. Leave blank if not applicable.
    • Contract Part No: Type in the part number agree to on this contract. Leave blank if not applicable.
    • Qty per UOP: Type in the quantity per Unit of Purchase. This ties up with Unit of Purchase - you can set up the part to procure 1 each or 10 in a box, etc. Usually the default of 1 is used. The only difference this will make, is change the value displayed on the Purchase Order document. If there are 10 in a box - you will still Order 10 and Receive 10, but the PO will display 1.
    • Unit of Purchase: Type in the unit that ties up with the Qty per UOP, e.g. each or box. Usually the default of 'ea' is used.
    • Minimum Order Qty: This is the minimum the Supplier will supply per order. Usually the default of 1 is used.
    • Catalog No: Type in the part number as per the supplier's catalogue.

    Save Item Supplied  

    • When you have finished adding the Items Supplied details, click on Save.

    • An Item Supply Processing message box will appear informing you that;
      • Item supply configuration for part: [ ] and supplier [ ] complete.
    • Click on OK.

    View New Item Supplied  

    • The Item supplied details can now be viewed in the Items Supplied by Supplier - [ ] screen.

    Edit Items Supplied

    In the Supplier Listing screen,

    Select the Site

    • In this image Durban has been selected.

    Select Supplier

    • Select the row of the Supplier whose items supplied details you wish to edit.
    • Click on the Items Supplied tile.

    Select Item

    • Select the row of the item you wish to edit.
    • Click on Edit.

    • A Supply Item message box will pop up asking;
      • Are you sure you want to edit the item [ ] supplied by [ ]?
    • Click on Yes.

    • The Supply Item Maintenance for Supplier [ ] screen will be displayed.
    • Select the detail(s) to be edited.
      • In this image Warranty has been selected to be edited.

    • Make the required changes.
      • In this image the Warranty was changed to 24 Month Supplier Warranty.

    Save changes

    • When you have finished editing the details, click on Save.

    • An Item Supply Processing message box will pop up informing you that;
      • Item supply configuration for part: [ ] and supplier [ ] complete.
    • Click on OK.

    View Edited Item Supplied

    • The edited detail(s) can now be viewed in the Items Supplied by Supplier - [ ] screen.
      • (Use the scroll bar to find the correct column if necessary).

    Delete Items Supplied

    In the Supplier Listing screen,

    Select the Site

    • In this image Durban has been selected.

    Select Supplier  

    • Select the row of the Supplier where you wish to delete the linked Item Supplied.
    • Click on the Items Supplied tile.

    The Items Supplied by Supplier - [ ] screen will be displayed.  

    Select Item to Delete

    • Select the row of the item you wish to delete.
    • Click on Delete.

    Confirm Deletion  

    • A Delete Supply Item message box will appear asking;
      • Are you sure you want to remove this supplied item for this supplier?
    • Click on Yes.

    • The selected item supplied has now been removed from the Items Supplied By Supplier - [ ] screen.