
Projects - Progress Report

In order to correctly track your progress via the Project Progress Report, there are a few things to consider and keep track of:

Ribbon Access: Maintenance / Projects   >   Projects

  1. The Project Listing screen will be displayed.
  2. Select the Site where the project can be located.
    • The example has Durban selected.
  3. The Progress Report can include all projects or Projects - My Projects only.
  4. Click on Progress Report.

  1. Give the system a few minutes to generate and exported the Progress Report to Microsoft Excel.
  2. In the Overview tab, you will see a list of all projects from the project list screen, with the following information:
    • Project:  A description of the project.
    • State:  An indicator of the project progress.
      • Yellow  - Planned (not yet started)
      • Green - In Progress
      • Red - Done
    • Progress%:  This is a percentage of the project completed, based on completed work orders within the project.
    • Start:  Project Start Date.
    • End:  Project End Date.
    • EstDays:  Total Estimated Days based on the estimated hours for all work orders within the project, configured on the Work Order Schedule tab > Required Crafts section.
    • ActDays:  Actual Days represent the total labour time as booked on underlying project work orders.
    • Date Done:  Completion date of the project.
    • Achieved:  An indicator of whether the project was completed at, or within the estimated time.
    • Status:  Determines the status for the project as still being Planned, In Progress or Done.

  1. Click on the Task Details tab to view all the work orders within these projects.
    • The Status details in the report show you whether a work order is;
      • Open (O)
      • Completed (M) or
      • Closed (C)
    • EstHours: (Estimated Hours) is pulled directly from the Work Order Schedule > Required Crafts details on the work order.
    • Actual Hours: The total labour time booked on the work order will pull through.
    • Achieved: This field will only pull through information on completed and closed work orders.
    • Days: T his column displays the labour time as a conversion in days for longer running work orders and projects.
    • Comment: T his column displays the rectification comment as updated on the work order when completed.

Filter by Project

  1. Insert a filter to view specific project information.
  2. Click on Save to save a copy of the report to the Server.
  3. Close Microsoft Excel to return to BPO.

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