
Quotes - Rejected

A Sales Quote can be Rejected when the quote is in the New Quote or Customer Accepted Quote Status.

Ribbon Access: Sales > Quotes

  1. The Sales Quotes listing screen will be displayed
  2. Ensure that the correct Site has been selected.
    • The example has Durban selected.
  3. Select the Status for the Sales Quote that needs to be rejected.
    • The example has the Customer Accepted quote status selected.
  4. Click on the row of the quote you wish to reject.
  5. Click on Rejected.

Short cut key: Right click to display the All groups menu list. Click on Rejected.

  1. When you receive the Input Validation message to confirm;
    • Are you sure you want to update this quote, no. QT[quote number] for customer [customer name] to be Rejected? Answer 'Yes' to mark it as Rejected.
  2. Click on Yes, if you are certain of your selection.
    • Clicking on No will ignore the request and leave the quote in either New Quote or Customer Accepted status.

View Quote in Rejected Status

  1. You will return to the Sales Quotes listing screen.

    Note that the quote that has been Rejected will no longer be available under the New Quote or the Customer Accepted quote Status list.

  2. Change the Status by clicking on the drop-down arrow to display the Status drop-down list.
  3. Click on Customer Rejected Quote.

  1. The Sales Quotes listing screen will be filtered using the Customer Accepted Status selection.

Process Action Buttons

  1. From this screen you can choose to;