
POS Lite - Add Point of Sale (POS) Invoice

The point of sale (POS) feature enables a Customers to do sales transactions or process payments for products where the Customer has a stock outlet facility to the public. Using the point of sale feature will normally apply to C-Class stock items but may include A-Class and B-Class stock as well.

Ribbon Access: Sales > POS Lite

  1. The Invoices listing screen will be displayed.
  2. From here you can view a list of all the Cash Sale Invoices that have been processed.
  3. Click on Add.

Short cut key: Right click to display the Process menu list. Click on Add.

  1. The New Transaction screen will display.

Invoice Header Information

  • Account Code: This field will populate by default based on the Customer Account configured in the Sales Office, which should ideally be a Cash Sale Customer.
    • Click on the down arrow to display the Account Code menu.
      • Select an alternative customer code from this list, if a specific customer is being invoiced.

  • Customer Name: If an account code for a customer was selected, then the customer name will auto populate, alternatively if this is a walk in customer - type a customer name.
  • Contact Name: If an account code for a customer was selected, then this field will be populated with the name of the contact person for the Customer, alternatively if this is a walk in customer - type the name of the contact person.
  • VAT No: This field will populate with the VAT number linked to the customer if a Customer Code was selected, alternatively type in the VAT number if required.
  • Invoice Date and Time: These fields will auto populate with the current date and time the invoice was created.
    • Invoice Date: Type in or click on the drop-down arrow to use the calendar function to select an alternative date, if required.
    • Invoice Time: Type in or use the arrow indicators to select an alternative time, if required.
  • Order No: Click in the field to type in the order number if an order is linked to the cash sales invoice.

  • Billing Address: If a Customer Code was selected, then the billing address will populate with the address linked to the customer, alternatively type in a billing address for the customer.
  • Postal Code: The postal code will populate with the Postal Code liked to the Customer Code selected, alternatively type the postal code for the customer.
  • Salesman: The salesman field will populate with the employee currently logged onto the system. Click on the drop-down arrow to select a different salesman, if required.

Add Items to the Invoice

Item Code, Stock Codes and Part Number

  1. Click in the Item Code text box to display the down arrow.
  2. Click on the down arrow to display a list of stock codes specific to the POS Auto Issue warehouse on the drop down menu.
  3. Select the required part number from the list.
    • The example has item 2020-147K selected.

Batch Serial Number

This field serves two purposes depending on the part type:

  • Batch Number selection for C-class (or non-serialised stock items). Note that this is only required for Batch Tracking environments where multiple stock batch exist.
  • Serial Number selection for A-class and B-class (or serialised stock items). This applies to all environments.

Batch Tracking environment for C-Class items

The example explains the process for batch tracking environments for C-class items.

  1. The Item Type, Item Code and Invoice Line Description fields will populate according to the Item Code selected above.
  2. Batch Serial No: If your system is configured for Batch Tracking C-Class items, and you are invoicing a non-serialised item, then you will need to select the stock batch that you are issuing from the Batch Serial No column.  
    1.  Click in the Batch Serial No field to display a down arrow.
    2.  The Batch Serial No drop-down menu will display.
    3.  Select the batch number from which you wish to issue this stock item.

Quantity, Unit Selling Price and Department

  1. Quantity: The quantity is set to 1 by default. Click in the text box to type in or use the directional arrows to select the quantity required.
  2. Unit Selling Price: The unit selling price field will auto populate, but the amount can be modified, if applicable.
  3. Department: The department will display Sales, as configured by the Sales Office.

Additional Invoice Items

  1. After completing an Item line, press the Enter or Tab key or click anywhere in the data grid to open a new Item line. Continue adding items as required.

Delete Item

Incorrect line items can be removed from the invoice before is has been saved.

  1. Right click on the line item you wish to remove to display the Process menu.
  2. Click on Delete - Delete Item

  1. When you receive the Delete Row message to confirm;
    • Are you sure you want to delete this row for item [item code].
  2. Click on Yes to delete the row item, or
    • Click on No to ignore the request and to leave the item row on the invoice.

Comment Text box

  1. Click in the Comment text box to type in a comment for the invoice. The comment will display on the Invoice when it is printed.

    Note that this is a mandatory field.

Save the Invoice

  1. Click on Save.

  1. When you receive the Customer Processing message to confirm;
    • New invoice has been created : [customer code]
  2. Click on OK.

The Invoices listing screen will be updated with the newly created POS Invoice.