
Close Billing Period

After processing contract billing, the current contract billing period must be closed . If this billing period is not closed, you will not be able to release the next billing period.

This process will close the contract billing period and not the financial period.

Ribbon Access:   Contract   >  Close Billing Period

The Contract Billing Period Closure screen will be displayed.

Contract Billing Period Closure Screen

  1. Period to be closed - this shows the billing period to be closed (and not the financial period).
    • Month - this shows the billing month to be closed.
    • Year - this shows the billing year.
    • Released - this shows whether the period to be closed was initially released for billing.

Unbilled Contracts

  1. If there are contracts still to be billed in this billing period, then they will be listed in the Contracts data grid.

Any unbilled contracts displayed in the is screen will prevent will prevent the billing period closure.

Closure Error

  1. If you click on Save when there are still items to be billed, you will first receive the following Check Billing Period Closure message:
  2. Are you sure you want to close the billing period [ ] for month [ ] in [ ].
  3. Click on Yes.

  1. An error message will pop up warning you;
  2. 'The billing period cannot be close as there are still meters that are unprocessed. Please set the readings and release.'
  3. Click on OK.

Successfully Close Billing Period

  1. If there are no contracts yet to be billed in this screen
  2. then you will be able to close the billing period successfully.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. A Check Billing Period Closure message box will pop up, asking;
    • Are you sure you want to close billing period [ ] for [ ] in [ ] ?
  5. Click on Yes.

  1. A Billing Period Closure message box will pop up informing you that;
    • The billing period [ ] for [ ] in [ ] has been closed successfully.
  2. Click on Yes.

View Next Billing Period Contracts to be Billed

  1. Contracts waiting to be billed in the next billing period will now be displayed in the Contracts data grid.
  2. Note: The Periods to be Closed, Month, Year and Released fields have not yet changed to reflect the new billing period.
    • Only when you exit the screen and then re-open the screen will these details be updated.
  3. Click on Back or Close the screen to exit when you are done.