
Introduction to Tasks

Tasks are set up in order to perform scheduled maintenance / service and are linked to Serialised Items / Locations, with 'Last Done' and 'Next Due' information.

Generation methodology is set up against the task to specify the scheduled interval between maintenance / services. For example, the task can be a service that is performed every 3 months. Each task can have more than one generation methodology - where the task is due every 3 months or 10,000 copies - whichever comes first.

Instructions linked will indicate what work needs to be done to complete the task.

Parts required for the task will be requested where a Bill of Materials is indicated.

Documentation, Shadow and Related Tasks can also be configured.

This will be kept up to date by the generation of the tasks on a regular basis via the Task Radar or Work Order Generation.

Tasks Process Flow

Ribbon Access:   Maintenance / Projects >   Tasks

  1. The Tasks listing screen will be displayed.

Instructions Maintenance Buttons

  1. From this screen you can Add, Edit, Delete and View a Task.
  2. The Export button will allow you to export the list of Tasks to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.

Functions Tiles

  • Documents: The Documents Tile allows you to view a list of the digital documents that have been linked to a selected Instruction.
  • Shadow Tasks: The Shadow Tasks Tile allows you to link and unlink shadow tasks to the selected Task.
  • Related Tasks: The Related Tasks Tile allows you to link and unlink related tasks to the selected Task.

Tasks Data Grid

  1. The Data Grid lists all the Tasks that have already been set up. Any new Tasks that gets created, will be added to the list.