
Add / Edit Supplier Order Method

To create a purchase order, an Order Method must be set up on the supplier, this will be the preferred method of ordering items and/or services.

There are several methods to choose from:

  • Cellular telephone
  • Email
  • Facsimile
  • Telephone
  • Web Order

Ribbon Select Procurement > Suppliers

The Supplier Listing screen will be displayed.


Select Supplier

  • Select the row of the Supplier whose Order Details you wish to add or edit.
  • Click on Edit.

Select Order Method  

  • The Edit Supplier - Code [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • If the Order Method field is already populated or if it is empty, click on the drop-down arrow in that field.

  • The Order Method drop-down menu will be displayed.
  • From this list, click on the Order Method that you wish to assign to this Supplier.
    • In this image Email has been selected.

Order Address  

  • Order Address: Type in the address details for this order method.
    • In this example the Email Address will be typed in this text box. If you had selected a different method e.g. Cellular telephone - then the relevant cellular number would be included here.

Save Order Method and Order Address  

  • When you have finished adding or editing the Order Method and Order Address details,
  •  Click on Save.