
View / Add / Edit / Delete Supplier Notes and Comments

  • Comments: These are internal notes regarding the supplier.
  • Notes: These are notes concerning orders to this supplier, which will pull through to the Purchase Order.
Ribbon Access: Procurement >  Suppliers

The Supplier Listing screen will be displayed.

Select the Site

  • In this image Durban has been selected.

Select Supplier

  • Select the row of the Supplier where you wish to add Notes and/or Comments.
  • Click on the Notes tile.

View Notes and Comments

  • The Notes for Supplier [] screen will be displayed.
    • Comments to be typed in on the left hand side of the screen and
    • Notes to be typed in on the right hand side of the screen.

Add Notes and Comments

  • Type in your Comments and/or Notes as required.
  • Click on Save.

  • The Comments and/or Notes details will be saved.
  • The screen will close and you will return to the Supplier Listing screen.

Edit Notes and Comments

In the Supplier Listing screen,

Select the Site

  • In this image, Durban is selected.

Select Supplier

  • Select the rowof the Supplier where you wish to edit the Notes and/or Comments.
  • Click on the Notes tile.

  • The Notes for Supplier [] screen will be displayed.
    • Edit the Comments in the left hand side of the screen and
    • Edit the Notes in the right hand side of the screen.
  • In this image, the Comments section has been highlighted to be edited.

  • Type in the changes as required.
  • Click on Save.

  • The new Comments and Notes will be saved.
  • The screen will close and you will return to the Supplier Listing screen.

Delete Notes and Comments

  • As explained in the steps above, navigate to the Notes for Supplier [ ] screen where you wish to delete the Comments and or Notes.
  • Either highlight and delete the text or backspace over the text you wish to remove.

Save Deletion

  • When you have finished deleting the required Notes and/or Comments,
  • Click on Save.

  • Your changes will be saved.
  • The screen will close and you will return to the Supplier Listing screen .