
Standard Methodology - Remove an Instruction

Ribbon Access: Maintenance / Projects   >   Standard Methodology

  1. The Project Methodology screen will be displayed.
  2. Click on the row of the methodology layer you wish to remove an instruction for.
  3. Click on Edit.

Short cut key: Right click to display the Maintenance menu list. Click on Edit.

  1. The Project Methodology Maintain screen will be displayed.
  2. Right Click on the instruction item row you wish to remove, to display the Process menu.
  3. Click on Delete - Delete instruction.

  1. When you receive the Delete Instruction message to confirm that;
    • Are you sure you want to delete this instruction, [instruction name] from project methodology [methodology name]?
  2. Click on Yes.
    • Click on No to ignore the request and leave the instruction linked to the project methodology.

  1. The instruction has been removed from the Instructions panel.
  2. Click on Save to update the Project Methodology.

  1. When you receive the Project Methodology message to confirm that;
    • The project methodology : [methodology name] has been saved.
  2. Click on OK.