
Commercials - Delete (Deactivate) Commercial

It is a good habit to first view the Customer list for the Commercial, to ensure that no Customers are still linked to the commercial, before deactivating it.

Ribbon Access:   Sales   >   Commercials

  1. The Sales Commercials listing screen will display.
  2. Click on the row of the Sales Commercial you wish to deactivate.
  3. Click on Delete.

Short cut key: Right click to display the Maintenance menu list. Click on Delete.

  1. When you receive the Delete Commercial message will to confirm;
    • Are you sure you want to deactivate this commercial, it cannot be re-instated directly.
  2. Click on Yes if you are certain about your selection.

  1. Next you will receive confirmation to confirm that;
    • Commercial deactivated.
  2. Click on OK.

  1. The Sales Commercial that has been deactivated is no longer available on the Sales Commercials screen.
  2. Click on the Close screen button to return to the Sales Commercials listing screen.