
Overview and Log In / Out

Open App

  • If you do not have the app yet, download Tech Connect from the Google Play Store (search for CO3 TechConnect).
  • After installation, click on the Tech Connect icon on your device.

  • The Tech Connect start up screen will come up.

Initial Log In

  • Speak to your system administrator with regards to initial Tech Connect setup.

Subsequent Log In

  1. After your initial log in, Tech Connect will keep your login details, you just need to type in your password.
  2. Click on Login.
      • Note: If you need to log in as another user, refer to Change Account.

Change Account

  • If you need to log in as another user, click on Change Account.

  • An initial log in screen will be displayed. The previous user's details will auto populate except the password.
    1. Username: Delete and type in your username.
    2. Password: Type in your password.
    3. Company Domain: Delete and type in the company domain if it's different from what the previous user was using.
    4. Click on Login.


  • To exit the application, click on Back on your device until an Exit message box pops up asking you;
    • Are you sure you want to exit this app?
  • Click on Yes.


  • Click on the Side Menu button.

  • The Side Menu will be displayed.

Configuration - Boot Stock Database

  • To update the boot stock information from BPO initially or if there has been stock movement in BPO and or you were unable to connect to the internet for some time,
  • click on Stock.

  • The Boot Stock screen will be displayed.
  • A list of items in your boot stock will be displayed.
    1. The Last Update: [ ] will show the date and time the boot stock was last updated.
    2. The Search field is used to search for a part by either typing in the part description or part number.
    3. This shows the part description.
    4. This shows the part code.
    5. This shows the quantity in stock, this is specific to C class items.
    6. For A / B class items - a serial number is displayed instead of the quantity.
        • In this image, part code 2020-147M has a total quantity of 8 before the boot stock information is updated.
    7. Click on the Refresh button to update the boot stock information.

  • An updated list of items in your boot stock will be displayed.
    1. The Last Update: [ ] will change to the time the boot stock information was updated.
    2. In this image, part code 2020-147M now has a total quantity of 18 after the boot stock information was updated.

Configuration - Parts Database

  • To refresh the part list from BPO initially or refresh if required e.g. new parts added to BPO,
  • click on Parts.

  • The Parts List screen will be displayed.
    1. The Last Update: [ ] will show the date and time the parts list was last updated.
    2. The Search field is used to search for a part by either typing in the part description or part number.
    3. A message will be displayed telling you;
      • Due to the size of the parts list, items will only display once you start typing.


  1. In this image, searching for part SP1818 which was added after the
  1. Last Update: 2 Jul 2019 12:43
  2. returns no results.

  3. Click on Refresh to update the parts list information.


  • The Last Update: [ ] will change to the date and time the parts list information was updated.

  • In this image, searching for SP1818 now returns results.

Configuration - Services Database

  • To refresh the non stock service list from BPO initially or to refresh if required, e.g. new services added to BPO or a service fee has been changed in BPO,
  • click on Services.

  • The Services List screen will be displayed.
    1. The Search field is used to search for a service by either typing in the service description or service number.
    2. This shows the service description.
    3. This shows the service fee.
        • In this image, the Installation Fee is R350 before the services list information is updated.
    4. Click on the Refresh button to update the service list information.

  • An updated list of services will be displayed.
    • In this image, the Installation Fee is now R400 after the services list information was updated.


  • Click on Times.

  • The Times screen will be displayed.
  • All your time records will be displayed in this screen showing the;
    1. work order number the time was booked for,
    2. the time duration of the task and
    3. the date the time was logged.

  • You can view more details by clicking on the time record you wish to view more details for.


  • The Time screen will be displayed.
  • From this screen, you can view the time duration and comments related to the selected time record.

Update Time Comments

  • Click on the time record you wish to amend.

  • The Time screen will be displayed.
    1. Update the comments accordingly.
    2. Click on Update.
      • Note: The system does not allow you to update the time duration from this screen.

  • You will return to the Times Screen.


  • You can view or edit travel done on all your work orders.
  • Click on Travel.

  • The Travel screen will be displayed.
  • A list of travel records for all your work orders will be displayed in this screen showing the;
    1. work order number,
    2. date the travel was logged and the
    3. distance travelled in km(s).

Travel Entry

  • To edit a travel record, click on the travel record you wish to edit.

  • The Trip screen will be displayed.
  • Edit the relevant details.
  • Click on Update.
    • In this image, Distance field was updated.

  • The updated travel record will now be displayed in the Travel screen.


  • You can view or add expenses on all your work orders.
  • Click on Expenses.

  • The Expenses screen will be displayed.
  • A list of all logged expenses will be displayed in this screen showing the
    1. expense description,
    2. date when the expense was logged and
    3. expense cost.

  • To view more details, click on the expense you wish to view more details for.

  • The Expense screen will be displayed.
    • Call [ ]: This will auto populate with the call number of the expense you are currently viewing.
    • Description: This shows the call / project description.
    • Type: This shows the expense type.
    • Amount: This shows the expense amount.
    • Source Reference: This shows the receipt number if applicable.
    • Source Document Available: This shows whether the source document is available or not.
      • Note 1: When the Toggle button is to your left and grey in colour it means the source document is not available.
      • Note 2: When the Toggle button is to your right and red in colour it means the source document is available.
    • Date: This shows the date the expense was logged.

Add an Expense

  • Click on the '+' icon in the Expenses screen.

  • The Expense screen will be displayed.

    • Call [ ]: This will auto populate with the call number you are currently working on but you can change this by clicking on the down arrow and selecting a different call.
    • Description: Type in the relevant description.
    • Type: Click on the down arrow and select the relevant expense type.
    • Amount: Type in the Expense Amount.
    • Source Reference: Type in the Receipt Number if applicable.
    • Source Document Available: This is set to Yes by default on save. Only change this if you do not have the Receipt / relating document.
    • Date: The current date will auto populate but you can change this by clicking on the date and selecting a different date.
  • Click on Add.

  • The expense record will now be displayed in the Expenses screen.


  • This allows you to switch to Online or Offline mode.
  • Click on Settings.

  • The Settings screen will be displayed.
  • By default, Tech Connect will be Online.
  • The Toggle button will be to your left and grey in colour.

  • To switch to Offline mode, move the Toggle button to your right.

  • The Toggle button colour will now be to your right and red in colour.


  • To switch to back to Online mode, move the Toggle button to your left.

  • The Toggle button will now be to your left and grey in colour.