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Static Data

Static Data - CRM: Salesman Target Type

  • Sales Performance chart - Salesman Target defaults
    • The following Types will be configured and should not be changed:
      • Cases (CASE)
      • Quotes (QUOT)
      • Orders (SORD)
      • Invoices (SINV)
    • Each employee must be linked to these targets with their individual target value.
    • Target types for new employees will be created with the default value as set in the Target Type Code Type field.
    • Targets can be updated in BPOCRM.
  • Salesman Target Types and default value for Salesman Activity Target vs. Actual chart
    • These defaults are used, but can be modified pre-go live:
      • Meeting
      • Email
      • Phone call
      • On site inspection
    • These Target types configured must be the same as the Activity Types configured.
    • Remember that if activities exist already linked to these types, they shouldn't be deleted.
    • Each employee must be linked to these targets with their individual target value.
    • Target types for new employees will be created with the default value as set in the Target Type Code Type field.
    • Targets can be updated in BPO CRM.
Ribbon Access:   Configurator   >   Static Data > Static Data

Sales Performance Chart - Salesman Targets

  • The Static Data listing screen will be displayed.
  • Use the filter row or scroll down the list until you find the CRM: Salesman Target Type row.
  • Click on the expand icon in this row.

  • The Salesman: Target Type Codes frame will be expanded.
  • Here you can view a list of Salesman: Target Type codes currently on the system.
  • Right click anywhere in a row of this Codes data grid.

  • A Process menu will pop up.
  • Click on Add - Add New Code.

  • The final row in the Codes data grid will now be 'activated'.
    • The Code Type, Status and Sort Order columns will now be populated.

    • Code: Click in this text box and type in a code specific for this new CRM: Salesman Target Type.
    • Code Description: Click in this text box and type in a description for this new CRM: Salesman Target Type code.

    • Code Type: Type in the default monetary value to use for a new salesman's target. Initial configuration is set to 0.
    • Status: This will auto populate with A - Active.
    • Sort Order: Click in this text box and either type in or use the arrow indicators to select the sort order for this new CRM: Salesman Target Type code.
      • Note: The sort order is the order in which this will appear in the CRM: Salesman Target Type code drop-down list in BPO. If each CRM: Salesman Target Type code has the number 1, then the drop-down list will usually default to an alphabetical order in BPO. If, for example, it is numbered 2, then it will appear 2nd in the drop-down list in BPO.

  • When you have finished adding the new CRM: Salesman Target Type code details, press Enter.
  • An Update message box will appear, asking;
    • Are you sure you want to save changes to this code?
  • Click on Yes.

  • The new CRM: Salesman Target Type code will be saved and a new row will be added to the Codes data grid.

  • The following codes are defined by default and must be used as they are, in order to view Sales Performance :
    • Cases (CASES)
    • Quotes (QUOT)
    • Sales Orders (SORD)
    • Sales Invoices (SINV)
  • Configuration here is to specify the default target value to use when a new salesman is created in BPO CRM. The Sales Performance targets will then be created for the salesman with the specified values. Note: This can always be updated later.

Salesman Target Type for Activity Target vs. Actual

  1. The default types configured in CRM: Salesman Target Type must correspond with Activity Types, and these are the defaults:
      • CALL (Phone Call)
      • EMAIL (Email)
      • MEET (Meeting)
      • ONS (Site Inspection)
  2. Click on the expand button in front of the CRM: Activity Type row.

  • The CRM: Activity Type Codes frame will be expanded.
    1. Here you can see that the default CRM: Salesman Target Types correspond with the CRM: Activity Types.