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Assets - Add - User Defined

A User Defined panel has been added to the Asset Maintain screen - the Equipment Maintenance for Serial No: [] screen.

User defined fields in Nucleus Service enables the user to provide more information within a module so that work or associated processes can be carried out more efficiently.

These added fields cut down the transition between screens or reduces the amount of screens open in order to find information. In essence these fields serve as a shortcut so that users do not have to leave the listing or maintain fields affected.

At present, these fields in the Equipment - Assets module can be used to add extra information relevant to the selected asset. The added fields will reflect in the User Defined panel in the Asset Maintain screen across all assets on the system, but the Variable Values selected for each User Defined field will be unique to the selected asset.

This information will also reflect in the Call Maintain screen where the asset is linked. Although the fields can be viewed from the Call Maintain screen, the actual information can only be edited in the Asset Maintain screen.

Asset Listing Screen

Ribbon Select Equipment and Locations > Assets

  • The Machine Listing screen will be displayed.

Asset Details

Follow the processes to:

(Only a customer assetClosed A customer asset is where a customer brings in a machine for service or repair that was bought elsewhere. A customer asset can also be a stock item that has been sold (and invoiced) to a customer. Customer assets can generate an income for your organisation via service or maintenance contracts. should be added from this screen.)

The User Defined Panel

  • Once the customer asset details and finance details have been added,
  • Click on the User Defined tab.

  • The User Defined panel will open.
  • In this example, there is a pre-existing Code . This means that a User Defined custom element has already been added to this or another asset in the system.
  • The Code and Code Description are not specific to an individual asset. When a Code and Description are entered and saved here, they are subsequently available in every asset User Defined panel.
  • The Variable Value is unique. These are set up per specific asset.

Add New Custom User Defined Field

  • Right-click anywhere in a row of the data grid.
  • A Process menu will pop up.
  • Click on Add - Add New Custom Field.

  • The Add new custom element screen will open.

All of the fields in this screen are mandatory [*].

Note: These fields can be populated according to individual company requirements. The example given here is pertinent to the system being demonstrated and is not universal.

Code and Description

  • Code: Type in a unique code specific to the custom element you wish to add.
  • Description: Type in the long, descriptive version of the code above.

Reminder: When saved, both of these fields will reflect in the User Defined panel in the Asset Maintain screen across all assets on the system. Where the asset is linked to a Call, the fields will also display in the Call Maintain screen.

Input Type

  • Click on the drop-down arrow in the Input Type field.
  • A Type menu will display.
  • The options are :
    • FREETEXT - Free Input Text: you can type data directly into the text box.
    • LOOKUP - Lookup list: you can select the desired value from the list. Refer to Adding Lookup List Items to set up the items for selection.
    • YesNo - Yes or No Value: this field is used to collect data with only a 'Yes' or 'No' answer. Until this field is answered one way or the other, the field’s value is considered to be missing.

  • Important Note - the following options are only relevant to Nucleus Accounts Reporting:
    • LOOKUP: Reporting filter lookup list.
    • MASTERROW: Master row for a detailed view on reporting.

Save New Custom Element

  • When you have finished adding the information to these fields,
  • Click on Save.

  • You will return to the New Equipment screen.
  • The newly created custom element will be added to the panel.

Add Variable Value

Reminder: The data added to this Variable Value field is unique to the selected asset and will not reflect in any other asset or other module User Defined fields.

  • Click on Save.

  • The new custom element will be saved in the User Defined panel and you will return to the Machine List for [] screen.
  • The newly added asset with the new custom element will be indicated in the screen.

View User Defined Panel in the Call Maintain Screen

The new Custom Element added in this process will also reflect in the Call Maintain screen where this asset is linked to a Call. Either a new Call or an existing Call will have these new details available in the Calls User Defined Fields panel.

Add Lookup list items

If LOOKUP list was selected as the custom element Input Type, lookup options will need to be added to a Lookup Item list.

  • Right Click anywhere on the Lookup List item and select Edit - Edit Custom field.

  • The Add new lookup element screen will open.
  • Code: Type in a unique code specific to the lookup element you wish to add.
  • Description: Type in the long, descriptive version of the code above.

  • You will return to the Equipment Maintenance for Serial No: [] screen.
  • Click in the Variable Value field of the custom element row.
  • A drop-down arrow will appear. Click on this arrow.
  • A Type menu will display.
  • The newly added Lookup List element will be available in the list.

Follow the process above to add as many lookup elements as required.

Save New Lookup Elements and Custom Fields

  • When you have finished adding the information to the User Defined fields,
  • Click on Save.

  • You will return to the Machine List for [] screen.
  • You will be able to view the added customer asset in the data grid.

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