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Categories - Add a Category

Once the Type, Class and Category are set up, the user will need to define the 'Part Category'. This groups the Type, Class and Category into one item, and is used when details, (such as stock transactions), are posted to the financial system.

A Category is a way of classifying a part when dealing with inventory, whether serialised or non-serialised.

Defining Categories in Nucleus Service will give you the ability to sort and group parts.

Follow the process below to add a new category in Nucleus Service.

Ribbon Select Inventory > Categories

  • The Category Listing screen will be displayed.
  • The data grid will contain a list of all the categories currently on the system.

Add Category

  • Click on Add.

  • The Add New Category screen will be displayed.
  • The left side of this screen is where the new category details will be recorded.
  • On the right side of the screen is the Defaults panel where the site allocation details for this new category will be recorded.
  • Scroll right in this panel to view all of the Account Code columns.

Category Details


  • Type directly in the field, a short text used to describe this new group of parts.

Part Type

  • Click on the drop-down arrow in this field and select from the list, the part Type you wish to link to this new category.

Part Class

  • Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the part Class you wish to link to this new category.


  • Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the part category.

Defaults Panel

  • Once the new category details have been added, move across to the Defaults panel.
  • This panel contains a list of all the Sites, Warehouses and Bins that are available to link to this new part category.
  • There will be a separate row for each warehouse within a site.
  • In this example, the KwaZulu-Natal site has 18 different warehouses, therefore 18 separate lines can be viewed in the data grid.

Default Site and Warehouse

  • In the Selection column, click in the check box of each site and warehouse where this part category should be available.

Default Bin

  • To select the default Bin for each warehouse, click in the Bin Name field next to the Warehouse Name.

  • An ellipsis button will appear.
  • Click on this button to display the Select the default bin for this part warehouse combination pop-up screen.
  • Select the row of the bin that you wish to be the default bin in the specific warehouse.
  • Click on Ok.

  • The Bin Name field will populate with your selection.
  • Continue to add the default bins to all the selected warehouses following the process above.

Note: If there is only 1 bin linked to a warehouse then the name of that 1 bin will auto populate the Bin Name field as you click on the ellipsis button, the Select.... screen will not pop up.

Account Codes

  • The Sales, Cost of Sales, Stock, Stock Adjustment and Stock Take Account Code fields will auto populate with the relevant Account Codes.
  • Depending on user rights, the Account Codes can be edited.

Save New Category

  • When you have finished, click on Save.

View New Category

  • You will return to the Category Listing screen.
  • The new category can now be viewed in the data grid.

Note: You may need to Refresh your screen.

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