CRM Basics

3 Month Pipeline Summary

In this frame you can view a graph of your Pipeline based on your active Cases. Pipeline months are set to 3 months by default, but this can be configured as per your company requirements. VAT is not displayed in the pipeline.

Access:  Webpage - http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx

View Pipeline in Homepage

  1. In the CRM Homepage,
  2. you can view the [ ] Month Pipeline frame.
  • Note: Pipeline months are set to 3 months by default, but can be configured as per your company requirements. In this example, the pipeline months have been set to 4.
  1. Click anywhere in this frame.

View Pipeline Report Page

  1. A [ ] Months Pipeline report page will open.
  2. Here you can view the enlarged bar graph with corresponding key code ,
  3. and a list of your cases with the pertinent case information displayed.

  1. Hover anywhere over a selected bar in the chart to display a related information box.
    • In this example, the bar represents Cases Closed - Won and the amount is 7000.

View Customer from Pipeline Page

  1. Click on a customer name in the Customer column.

  1. The Customer Homepage will open.

Refer to Introduction to the Customer Homepage for more information.

  1. You can also view the [ ] Month Pipeline frame in this page.
  2. Click on the Back arrow to return to the [ ] Months Pipeline page.

View Case from Pipeline Page

  1. In the [ ] Months Pipeline page,
  2. Click on a case in the Case Subject column.

  1. The Save Case page will open.

Refer to Introduction to Cases for more information.

  1. Click on the Customer icon to return to the Customer Dashboard (Home page),
  2. or click on the Back button,
  3. or the left arrow to return to the previous page.