CRM Customers

Customers Dashboard

The customers that you can view in CRM will be:

  • the customers where you are the main salesperson or
  • the customers where you are linked as a salesperson. 

This list may include current BPO customers or New CRM Customers.

The Customer Dashboard is where you can view and access all of the selected customer details and information.

Ribbon Access: Webpage >   http://[servername]:[portno]/BPOCRM/User.aspx

Access the Customer Dashboard

  1. In the Dashboard (Home page),
  2. Click on the Customers tile.

  1. The Customers listing page will be open.
  2. You can use the Page Reference field,
  3.  the Filter Row or
  4. the Filter Text Box to search for your customer.
  5. Click on the selected customer icon in the View column.

  1. The Customer Dashboard (Customer Home page) will open.
  2. Most of the page tiles will link you to information specific to the customer you have selected to view,
  3. With the exception of the Customers tile which will take you back to the Customers listing page.

  1. In this Customer Dashboard,
  2. You will find the same tiles that you have available in the Dashboard (Home page):

View Customer Action Buttons

  1. In the Customer Dashboard you can view and access the following information via the customer Actions buttons:
    Note: Hover anywhere over the customer information frame to display these buttons.
  1. Click on an individual button to direct you to the relevant Action page.

View Additional Customer Details Tiles

Settings - 'Hide Dashboard Panel on Customer Page' checkbox

    If you wish to have more space on this page to view your customer information more clearly, you can change your page Settings.
  • Click on the Settings icon.

  1. The Setting panel will be expanded.
  2. Select the 'Hide dashboard panel on customer page' checkbox.

  1. As you select the check box,
  2. The Dashboard panel will disappear from the screen.

  • Click outside of the Settings frame to view the full page without the Dashboard.