BPO Insight

Exception Report Dashboard

The Exception Reports will quickly show you areas of concern - where items are out of acceptable exception target. Drill down into these reports to review the specific items for that exception report. The specific exception reports viewable and acceptable targets are configured per employee.

  • Click on the 'Exception Reports' link (this is the default view when you log into BPOInsight
  • You will see the reports you have configured to view.
  • Each Report will show the Actual items in exception, what the acceptable exception target is, and the deviation.
  • Reports where the exception items are within the acceptable range - will display as Green.
  • As the deviation percentage increases, the colour will change to Yellow, then Orange, then Red.
  • You will want to 'drill down' into the relevant reports to review the exception items and follow up with the relevant department to resolve these items.