
Contract Expiry - Close Contract

For expired contracts that remain active, you have the ability to buy back serial numbers that have been selected, if the selected items are customer assets.

Ribbon Select Contract > Contract Expiry

The Contract Expiry Management screen will be displayed.

Upon opening, this screen will default to the Expired status, listing all the serial numbers on contracts that have expired, indicating the state of the serial number. The expiry date is based on the contract start date + contract period.

You can view all contracts, regardless of expiry date, by selecting the All status.

Close Contract

The Expiry Status filter is set to Expired by default. This filter can be changed to view All contracts.

  • Select the contract that you need to close. Only one line need be selected where multiple items exist on the contract.
  • Click on the Close Contract button. Note that this button will be greyed out if there are pending Buy Back or Sell Off requests for the selected contract.

  • Type in the reason for the contract closure.
  • Click on the Save button.

Refer toContract Closure Approval for more information relating to Approving or Declining this Contract Closure.

Buy Back Items

If customer assets exist on the contract, you will have the option to buy back these items.

  • A message box will come up, asking: Do you want to buy back items on this contract?
  • Select Yes

  • A list of available serial numbers that can be bought back (customer assets) will display.
  • Select 1 or multiple items, as required.

  • Update each item with the buy back Value.
  • Click on the Save button.

  • A message box will come up, noting: Buy Back Request No .... saved successfully.

  • The contract status will updated to End of Contract, and must be approved in order to complete the closure process.

Refer toContract Closure Approval for more information relating to Approving or Declining this Contract Closure.

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