
Contract Closure Approval

When a contract is closed, the status is changed End of Contract, and must either be Approved to fully process the closure, or Declined in order to release from the Closure process.

Ribbon Select Contract > Contracts

The Contract Listing screen will be displayed.

Upon opening, this screen will default to the Active status, listing all the Active contracts for the selected site.

End of Contract

  • Select the End of Contract status.

Approve Contract Closure

  • Select the contract.
  • Click on the Approve Closure button.

A message box will come up, asking:

Are you sure you want to close the contract? It cannot be restored. Answer 'Yes' to close the Contract.

  • Click on the Yes button.

Loan Unit on Contract

If a message box will comes up, noting: Serial No. [serial number] is a loan unit and must be returned on call reference - [call number]. then the contract closure cannot be completed.

Internal Asset Return via Work Order

If a message box will comes up, noting: A work order will be created to return the internal assets to the warehouse then one or more internal assets exist on the contract which must be returned to store.

  • Click on the Ok button.

  • The Process Work Order Information screen will come up.
  • Select the Work Order Date and Assigned To employee.
  • Click on Ok.

The storeman will need to action the Return Request that is auto created.

If your company configuration is set to raise a contract closure call, you can assign a Technician to the call to collect the item before the storeman processes the Return Request.

Closure Confirmation

  • A message box will come up, noting: The contract number [contract number], has been closed.
  • Click on the Ok button.

  • The contract status will changed to Closed.

Decline Contract Closure

If the contract was closed in error, or further processing is required before the contract should be closed, then Decline the Closure.

  • Select the contract.
  • Click on the Decline Closure button.

  • A message box will come up, noting: The contract number [contract number], has been release from closure approval.
  • Click on the Ok button.

  • The contract status will changed to Released. The contract will need to be Approved before it is Active again.

If any Buy Back Requests were created via Contract Expiry that have not yet been approved, you will be asked if you would like to view those requests: Do you want to view Buy Back Requests for this contract?

  • Click on the Yes button.

  • The Buy Back Request Listing screen will open displaying the relevant requests for this contract. Approve or Decline as required.

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