
Work Options

Call Options

  • All the call options are available in Status - Start Work. In other statuses, you can only access some of the call options.
  • In the Calls List screen, click on the call / project you wish to work on.

  • The Call screen will be displayed.
  • Click on the '+' button.

  • A call options menu will be displayed.
      • Note: All call options are only displayed in status - Start Work.

Tasks / Instructions

  • Click on Tasks.

  • The Instructions screen will be displayed.
  • If the call / project was generated from a scheduled maintenance task, a list of work instructions will display.

  • Click on the '!' - Information icon to view more details regarding the instruction.

  • An Alert message box will be displayed with more details regarding the instruction.
  • Click on Ok when you are done with the instruction details.

  • To mark the task / instruction as done, click in the check box.

  • The check box will now be marked.
  • The check box colour will now red.


(refer to Work options - Stock)

Work Comments

  • You can add work comments whilst work is in progress. These comments will pull through to the Technician end work rectification comments field.
  • Click on Comments.

  • The Comments screen will be displayed.
    1. Type in your comment.
    2. Click on Save.

  • You will return to the Call screen.

Third Party Service Request

  • If a Third Party Sub-contract is required for work that must be done, a Service Request must be raised.
  • Click on the Services.

  • The Service Requests screen will be displayed.
  • Any services that have already been requested will be displayed in this screen.

  • To add a Service Request, click on the '+' icon.

  • An Add Service screen will be displayed.
    1. A service and the
    2. service fee will auto populate.
    3. The Quantity will default as 0.
    4. The Price will default as 0.
    5. You can change the service by clicking on the down arrow and selecting the required service.
      • Note: The price shown for each service is based on the Service Unit Cost.


  • A menu will be displayed.
  • Select the required service.
  • In this image, Delivery Fee was selected.

  • The selected service will now be displayed.
  • Click on '+' icon to add the required quantity.
      • Note: Use '+' icon to increase the quantity and '-' icon to decrease the quantity.
  • The price will auto populate but you can change this by deleting the price and typing in a new price.


  • Click on Add.


  • You can view or edit travel done on the call you are working on.
  • Click on Travel.

  • The Travel screen will be displayed.
  • Any travel linked to the call you are working on will be displayed in this screen showing the;
    1. work order number,
    2. date the travel was logged and the
    3. distance travelled in km(s).

Travel Entry:

  • To edit the travel record, click on the travel record you wish to edit.

  • The Trip screen will be displayed.
  • Edit the relevant details.
  • Click on Update.
  • In this image, Distance was updated.

  • The updated travel record will now be displayed in the Travel screen.


  • You can view or add expenses on the call you are working on.
  • Click on Expenses.

  • The Expenses screen will be displayed.
  • Any expenses linked to the call you are working on will be displayed in this screen showing the;
    1. expense description, the
    2. date when the expense was logged and the
    3. expense cost.

  • To view more details, click on the expense you wish to view more details for.

  • The Expense screen will be displayed.
    • Call [ ]: This will auto populate with the call number you are currently working on.
    • Description: This shows the call / project description.
    • Type: This shows the expense type.
    • Amount: This shows the expense amount.
    • Source Reference: This shows the receipt number if applicable.
    • Source Document Available: This shows whether the source document is available or not.
      • Note 1: When the Toggle button is to your left and grey, it means the source document is not available.
      • Note 2: When the Toggle button is to your right and red, it means the source document is available.
    • Date: This shows the date the expense was logged.

Add an Expense

  • Click on the '+' icon in the Expenses screen.

  • The Expense screen will be displayed.

    • Call [ ]: This will auto populate with the call number you are currently working on but you can change this by clicking on the down arrow and selecting a different call.
        • Note: If you choose a different call from the one you are working on, on save, the expense will not be displayed in this screen but in Expenses - Basics.
    • Description: Type in the relevant description.
    • Type: Click on the down arrow and select the relevant expense type.
    • Amount: Type in the Expense Amount.
    • Source Reference: Type in the Receipt Number if applicable.
    • Source Document Available: This is set to Yes by default on save. Only change this if you do not have the Receipt / relating document.
      • Note 1: When the Toggle button is to your left and grey, it means the source document is not available.
      • Note 2: When the Toggle button is to your right and red, it means the source document is available.
    • Date: The current date will auto populate but you can change this by clicking on the date and selecting the relevant date.
  • Click on Add.

  • The expense record will now be displayed in the Expenses screen.

Save Image to Work Order

  • Click on Photo.

  • An Image Source message box will pop asking you;
    • Would you like to take a picture with the Camera or choose an existing image from your Gallery?
  • You can either click on Gallery or Camera.

Image Source - Camera

  • Click on Camera.

  • A message box may pop up asking you;
    • Allow Tech Connect to take pictures and record video?
  • Click on Allow.

  • The application will open the camera app. This may look different depending on your phone / tablet.
  • Take the photo.
  • Click on OK if you are satisfied with the photo or click on Retry to retake the photo if you are not satisfied with the photo.
  • For the purpose of this manual, OK was selected.

  • You will return to the Call screen.

Image Source - Gallery

  • Click on Gallery.

  • A message box may pop up asking you;
    • Allow TechConnect to access photos, media and files on your device?
  • Click on Allow.

  • The application will open the Gallery. This may look different depending on your phone / tablet.

  • Select a photo.
  • Click on Open.

  • You will return to the Call screen.

Add A Meter Reading

  • Click on Meters.

  • The Meter Readings message box will pop up.
    1. On the meter you wish to update, e.g. 'Mono', type in the meter reading in the Reading field.
    2. Click on Save.
    • In this image, Mono and Colour meter readings were updated.

  • You will return to the Call screen.

More Call Options

  • In the Call screen, click on the Side Menu.

  • A menu will be displayed.

Information / Call Notes

  • Click on Information.

  • The Call Notes screen will be displayed.
  • You can now view the
    1. notes that were added to the call,
    2. the name of the person who added the notes and
    3. the date the notes were added.

Previous Calls

  • Click on Previous Calls.

  • The Previous Calls screen will be displayed.
  • A list of prior calls linked to the serial number on the call you are currently working on will be displayed.


  • Click on Times.

  • The Times screen will be displayed.
  • Any time logged on the call you are working on will be displayed in this screen showing the;
    1. work order number the time was booked for,
    2. the time duration of the task and
    3. the date the time was logged.

  • You can view more details by clicking on the time record you wish to view more details for.

  • The Time screen will be displayed.
  • From this screen, you can view the time duration and comments of the selected time record.

Update Time Comments

  • Click on the time record you wish to amend.

  • The Time screen will be displayed.
  • Update the comments accordingly.
  • Click on Update.
      • Note: The system does not allow you to update the time duration from this screen.

  • You will return to the Times screen.

Prior Part Requests

  • Click on Prior Part Requests.

  • The Prior Part Requests screen will be displayed.
  • A list of Prior Part Requests linked to the serial number on the call you are currently working on will be displayed. The last 6 issues will be displayed.