Human Resources

Employees - Edit Craft

Ribbon Access: Finance / HR Employees

  • The Employees listing screen will display.
  • Select Employee

    • Select the row of the Employee whose Craft details you wish to change.
    • Click on Edit.

    • The Edit Employee screen will be displayed with the Crafts panel on the right-hand side.

    Select Craft  

    • Select the row where you wish to make changes.

    Edit Craft Detail

    • Scroll right until you can view the Rate column.
    • Click on the Rate to be changed.
    • Directional arrows will appear in this field.
    • Either type in or use these arrows to either increase or decrease the Craft Rate.

    Save Changes  

    • When you have made the required edits to the selected Craft Rate -
      • In this example, the Craft Rate has been reduced from 750.00 to 465.00.
    • Click on Save.

    • A notification message box will pop up informing you -
      • Employee: [ ] has been saved..
    • Click on OK.

    • The edited details will be saved, and you will return to the Employees listing screen.