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All Reports - View Reports

These reports are structured in a data grid format only.

These reports can be exported to MS Excell or as Adobe PDFs.

Ribbon Access:   Reporting   >   All Reports

View Main Report Categories

The Reports listing screen will be displayed.

  1. The reports are divided into 18 main report categories.

View Sub-Report Categories

  1. A tree view node in front of a category indicates that it is divided into sub-categories. Click on this node or double click on the name of the main category.

  1. The sub-categories for the selected main category will be displayed.

View Reports

  1. Each sub-category that has a tree view node, contains reports. To access these reports, either click on the tree view node or double click on the sub category name.

  • A list of all the reports in that sub category will be displayed.

Customise a Report

Select the report that you wish to customise:

  1. Click on the tree view node in front of the main report category.
  2. Click on the tree view node in front of the sub report category.
  3. Single click on the report you wish to customise.

Note: Single clicking on the report allows you to make customisations to the layout of the report before you run it.

  • As you single click on the selected report, the frame on the right side of the screen will populate with the fields or columns available within that report.

Select All Fields/Columns

  • Click on the check box in the column header row.
  • All the fields / columns check boxes will be ticked and all of these will be displayed on the report.

Note: Un-tick the check box in the column header row to deselect all the field/column check boxes.

Select Required Fields/Columns

You can select the individual field(s) that you require.

  1. To quick clear all the columns, un-tick the check box in the column header row.
  2. Then click on the check box in the row of each of the fields/columns that you wish to see displayed on the report.

Sorting Fields/Columns

You can sort the fields into the order you require.

  1. Click in the row of the field that you wish to move.
  2. Click on the directional arrows to move the selected field up or down.

  1. In this image you can see the Serial No. column has been moved up the top of the Field Name list, using the Up directional arrow.

Preview the Report

  • When you have finished customising the report, click on Run Report.

  1. The title of this screen that opens will be dependant on the report that has been selected in the previous step. In this example, the Machine on Active Contracts report was selected and this title is displayed in this screen.

Note: This report may need to have parameters, such as a Start and End Date. Follow the process to set these parameters if required.

  1. If no parameters are required, the Report Results will immediately be displayed in the Data frame. This is the preview version of what will be included in the final report.

Export the Report

You have a choice of exporting the report to Excel or a PDF format that can be printed, by clicking on the appropriate button in the Action button toolbar.

Export to Excel

  • Click on Excel.

  • The report will open in your screen in Excel format.

Note: You will need to use your Excel skills to edit columns, widths, etc. to view the report correctly before printing.

Export to PDF

  • Click on PDF.

  • The report will open in your screen in PDF format.

Group a Report - use the 'Show Groups' functionality

You can select to 'group' a report.

In the Reports listing screen;

  • Select the report that you wish to run.
    • In this example, the sub report, Assets: All with Fees has been selected.
  • Click on Run Report.

Remember, the title of this screen that opens will be dependant on the report that has been selected in the previous step.

  1. In this example, the Assets: All with Fees report was selected and this title is displayed in this screen.
  2. Select which column you wish to group the report by and drag and drop that column header into the Group By field.
    • In this example, the Site Name column is being dragged and dropped into the Group By field.

Note: You can select more than one column to 'group by'.

  1. The report will now be grouped by sites and you can view how many assets with fees are in each site.
    • Cape Town has 3
    • Durban has 390
    • Johannesburg has 1
    • Pretoria has 45
  2. Click on the tree view node in front of one of the sites.
    • In this example, Cape Town is selected.

  1. All of the assets with fees linked to that site will now be listed under that site name.
    • In this example the 3 assets in Cape Town are listed.

Export Report without using the 'Show Groups' functionality

  1. With the Show Groups check box unselected,
  2. Click on Excel.

  • All of the machines with fees in each site will be listed in an Excel spreadsheet.
  1. In this example, you can see that Cape Town has 3 machines with fees and Durban has 390 (scroll down to see the remaining sites and linked assets with fees).
  2. Close the spreadsheet.

  • You will return to the Assets: All with Fees screen.
  1. Select the Show Groups checkbox, then
  2. Click on Excel.

  • The Assets: All with Fees spreadsheet will open.
  1. Only a list of the Site Names will be displayed.
  2. Next to each Site Name is the Count number of how many assets with fees are in that site.
  3. In front of each Site Name is an expand button. Click on one of these buttons.
    • In this example, the expand button in front of Cape Town has been selected.

  1. The spreadsheet will expand to reveal the rows of all the assets with fees linked to the Cape Town site (in this case 3 assets).
  2. Close the spreadsheet when you are done.

  • For more information about grouping and report customisation - refer to the Report View manual.