
User and Group Security - Group Security Settings

In User Group and Security, you can create new users, assign users to groups, and set user group security, i.e. what a user may or may not have access to in BPO.

A user must be created for each employee who is required to log on to BPO. Each user is placed in a security group and security rights are set for that group. Here we will outline how to set those group rights.

Ribbon Access:  Configurator   >   Security > User and Group Security

The User Rights screen will be displayed.


Select User Group

  • Click on the drop-down arrow in the Find Group ribbon frame.

  1. The Group Name list will be displayed.
  2. Click on the particular group name that you wish to set the security settings for.

  • The data grid will be populated with the relevant codes for the selected user group.

Access Types:

  • System: This sets the system functionality security (whether the user is able to perform the function)
  • Menu Access: This access type sets the security for the ability to select the item in the BPO menu.
  • All Other Access Types: This sets the security for each individual screen , and items within that screen.

Access Levels:

  • 1 - Unlimited Access: Access to all parts of the system.
  • 2 - Full Access: Access to all parts of the system.
  • 3 - Limited Access: Read Only.
  • 4 - No Access: Not accessible in BPO.

Set Access Level

  • Select the code you wish you set the Access Level for.
  • In this image, FNLC_MAIN is selected.

  • Click in the Access Level field of the selected row.
  • A drop-down arrow will appear.

  • Click on this arrow to display the Access Level Code drop-down menu.
  • Select the level that you wish to apply to the selected code.
    • In this image, 2 - Full Access is selected.

As you select the access level, Level 1 and Level 2 grids will expand.

  • Level 1: This is the main data grid with the access level you have set above.
  • Level 2: This is a sub grid that contains sub codes of Level 1.
  • You can also set access levels on each of these sub codes.

Set Access Levels on Sub Codes

  • In the Level 2 sub grid, in the row of the code you wish to set an access level for, click in the Access Level column.
  • The Access Level Codes menu will drop-down.
  • Click on the Access Level you require.
    • In this image, access level 4 - No Access is selected for FLMT.

  • The Access Level and Description will change to the one that was selected.
    • In this image, the Access Level and Description has changed to 4 - No Access.

  • Once all changes have been made, click on Save.

  • Level 2 sub grid will close.
  • A User Rights pop up message will be displayed telling you;
    • User Rights updated successfully.
  • Click on Ok.

    Note: Ask the users within that group to log out of and back into BPO to ensure that they are working within the updated group security right.

Important Notes:

  • If you are setting up a new group from scratch, it is a good idea to set the 'Company Modules: Site' Access Type first, otherwise you cannot assign a user to this group you have created, and the user will not be able to log into BPO.
  • Set the site (branch) security dependant on which sites the user may have access to.

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