
Quarantine - Return Goods to Supplier

Goods are received into the Quarantine Warehouse for either quality checking or to add shipping costs. Instead of revaluing and releasing these goods into store - it may be necessary to return all or some of these goods back to the supplier.

Reasons for return of items could be:

  • Damaged item
  • Incorrect item delivered

Ribbon Select Inventory > Quarantine

  • The Quarantine List for [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • Select the Site that you wish to work in.

Select GRN to be Returned to the Supplier

  • Select the Document No that contains details of the goods that you wish to return to the supplier.
  • There may be more than 1 row with the same KGR.... no. This is because,
    • For A and B-Class items there will be 1 receipt line per item.
    • For C-Class items there will be 1 receipt line per item type.
  • You can select any of the rows to pull through the whole document to be returned.
    Method 1
  • Right click in the row of an item that you wish to return.
  • A Process menu will pop up.
  • Click on Return - Return Goods.
    Method 2
  • Select the row of an item that you wish to return, then click on Return.

  • The Add new Supplier Return Note screen will be displayed.

Supplier Return Note Details

    • Return Note No.: The system will populate a return note number as the return note is saved.
    • Supplier: The Supplier code, linked to the GRN selected in the previous step, will auto populate here.
      • You can click on the search button and choose an alternative supplier from the Select a supplier for the return note pop up screen, if required.
    • GRN No.: This will auto populate with the GRN No. selected in the previous step.
      • You can click on the search button and choose an alternative GRN No. from the Select a GRN to return pop up screen, if required.
    • Return Date: Ensure that the date corresponds with the stock return.
    • Reference: This will auto populate with the PO number linked to the selected GRN.
    • VAT No: This will auto populate with the VAT No. of the supplier linked to the selected GRN.
    • Comments: Type in a reason for the return of this item(s).

    • Billing Address: This will auto populate with the supplier billing address.
    • Postal Code: This will auto populate with the supplier postal code.
    • Phone: This will auto populate with the supplier phone number.
    • Email: This will auto populate with the supplier email address.
    • Contact Name: This will auto populate with the name of the primary contact for the supplier.

  • The Parts data grid auto populates with the items as received on this GRN.

Return/Credit Entire GRN

  • If all of the items listed on the GRN are to be returned/credited, then at this point you can click on Save (and skip the next 3 steps).

Return/Credit Partial GRN

If you wish to return only some of the items on the GRN thereby only partially crediting the GRN, then follow the process in the next steps to remove the items that are not being returned/credited.

Return A-Class Items

  • There will only ever be 1 A-Class item per individual item line/row. This is because each A-Class item needs to have it's own unique serial number.
    • In this example you can see that the three A-Class items, code: KP0323 each have their own line/row with a unique serial number for each of them: KP0323-00001A, KP0323-00002A, and KP0323-00003A.
  • Select the A-Class item that you wish to remove from this return note.
    • In this example, item with serial no.: KP0323-00003A has been selected.
  • Click on Delete Item.

  • A Confirm delete line message box will pop up asking -
    • Are you sure you want to remove this line from the return note?
  • Click on Yes.

  • The selected A-Class item will be removed from the Parts data grid.

Return B-Class Items

  • There will only ever be 1 B-Class item per individual item line/row. This is because each B-Class item needs to have it's own unique serial number.
    • In this example you can see that the three B-Class items, code: K3500-1992 each have their own line/row with a unique serial number for each of them: K35001992-0001, K35001992-0002, and K35001992-0003.
  • Select the B-Class item that you wish to remove from this return note.
    • In this example, item with serial no.: K35001992-0003 has been selected.
  • Click on Delete Item.

  • A Confirm delete line message box will pop up asking -
    • Are you sure you want to remove this line from the return note?
  • Click on Yes.

  • The selected B-Class item will be removed from the Parts data grid.

Save Return Note

  • In this example, there are 2 A-Class and B-Class items being returned.
  • Click on Save.

  • A Return Note Processing message box will pop up asking -
    • Does this purchase order [ ] need to be reopened? Answer "Yes" to reopen the purchase order automatically.
  • Click on Yes, if, for example, the item(s) are damaged then you need to reopen the purchase order and receive stock again.
  • Or, click on No if, for example, the incorrect item(s) have been ordered and need to be returned to the supplier.
  • In this example, No is selected.

  • A Return Note Processing message box will pop up saying that -
    • Supplier Return Note No. [ ] saved successfully.
  • Click on OK .

  • A Report Generation message box will pop up asking -
    • Do you want to print the supplier return note [ ]?
  • Click on Yes.

The Report Preview screen will be displayed.

  • Here you can see the Supplier Return Note with the details of the items for return to the supplier.
  • From this screen you can View, Print, Export or Email this Supplier Return Note.
  • Close the preview screen when you are done.

  • You will return to the Quarantine List for [ ] screen.

View New Return Note

  • The newly created Supplier Return Note can now be viewed in the Procurement > Returns Supplier Return Listing screen.

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