
Invoices - Print ProForma Invoices

Where payment is required before an item or service is rendered, a ProForma Invoice can be raised for client payment.

This process can only be done from the Sales Orders listing screen.

You can print a New ProForma Invoice or a Copy - ProForma Invoice.

See also Orders - Print Proforma Invoice.

Ribbon Select Sales > Orders

  • The Sales Orders listing screen will be displayed.
  • Select the Site where the invoice was created.
    • The example has Kwa-Zulu Natal selected.
  • For printing a New ProForma Invoice, ensure that the Status is set to New Order.

Print ProForma Invoice - New

  • Select the row of the invoice you wish to print.
  • Click on Print ProForma Invoice.

  • The Select the option as desired screen will display.
    • Print Invoice will open the Invoice in Report Preview to view, print, export or email.
    • Email Invoice will attach documents, add recipients, the system will create a .pdf and email the Invoice.
    • Print and Email Invoice will display both the Report Preview and Email screens.

Print ProForma Invoice

  • Click on the Print Order radio button.
  • Click on Accept.

  • The Report Preview screen will display.

    The header reads ProForma Invoice. The first time a proforma invoice is printed, it will state ProForma Invoice. Each time thereafter, it will state Copy - ProForma Invoice.

  • From the preview screen you can make cosmetic changes to the document, as well as Save, Zoom, Add a Watermark, Export, or Email the ProForma Invoice.
  • Close the Report Preview screen when done.

  • You will return to the Sales Orders listing screen.

View printed proforma

  • The sales order that you have printed will no longer be available in the New order Status. Change the Status to Pro-forma.
  • The printed proforma sales order (invoice) is now listed in the Sales Orders listing screen where the status is set to Pro-forma.

Print ProForma Invoice - Copy

  • From the Sales Orders listing screen,
  • Select the Site where the invoice was created.
    • The example has Kwa-Zulu Natal selected.
  • Ensure that the Status is set to ProForma.

  • Select the row of the invoice you wish to print.
  • Click on Print ProForma Invoice.
  • When the Select the option as desired screen displays -
  • Click on the Print Order radio button.
  • Click on Accept.

  • The Report Preview screen will be displayed.

    Note the header details 'Copy - ProForma Invoice'. The first time a proforma invoice is printed, it will state: ProForma Invoice. Each time thereafter, it will state Copy - ProForma Invoice.

  • From the preview screen you can make cosmetic changes to the document, as well as Save, Zoom, Add a Watermark, Export, or Email the ProForma Invoice.
  • Close the Report Preview screen when done.

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