
Invoices - View Tax Invoice

Ribbon Select Sales > Invoices

  • The Sales Invoices listing screen will be displayed.
  • Select the Site where the invoice has been created.
    • The example has KwaZulu-Natal selected.
  • Select the Status for the invoice you wish to view.
    • The example has New selected.
  • Select the row of the Sales Invoice that you wish to view.
  • Click on View.

  • The View Customer Invoice - INV[ ] screen will be displayed.
    • You can view the following details:
      • Customer information.
      • Customer contacts.
      • Billing information.
      • Shipping information.
      • Related (linked) references.
      • Sales invoice items.

This is a view only screen and you cannot make or save changes to this screen.

For a detailed handling of creating a Sales Invoice, refer to Invoices - Create Sales Invoice (OTC).

  • Click on Print.

  • The Select the option as desired screen will display with the following options:
    • Print Invoice (will open the invoice in Report Preview to view, print, export or email.)
    • Email Invoice (can attach documents, add recipients, the system will create a .pdf and email the invoice.) Refer to Email Invoice.
    • Print and Email Invoice (both the Report Preview and Email screens will pop up.)

Print Tax Invoice

  • Click on the Print Invoice option.
  • Click on Accept.

  • The Tax Invoice will display in the Reports Preview screen.
  • From here you can make cosmetic changes to the Tax Invoice, as well as Save, Zoom, Add a Watermark, Export, or Email from the preview screen.
  • Click Close to return to the View Customer Invoice screen.

  • Click on Back to return to the Sales Invoices listing screen.

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