
Commercials - Add Commercial

A commercial is an agreement as to how much you will sell your products / parts and services to a customer. It is a list of parts and labour with pricing details.

The pricing details specified in a commercial are the ones that will default when you are creating sales documents, e.g., a sales invoice for a customer linked to the commercial.

There are two types of commercials in Nucleus Service:

  • Pricing by Item.
  • Pricing by Type / Class.

For the commercial type - Pricing by Item, you can only specify the discount and / or selling price per Craft, individual Parts or individual Service item.

For the commercial type - Pricing by Type / Class, you can only specify markups and / or selling price per Craft, per Part Category or per Service Item Type.

Customers are linked to Commercials and any updates to commercials will affect the associated customers.

Ribbon Select Sales > Commercials

  • The Sales Commercials listing screen will be displayed.
  • From here you can view a list of all your sales commercials with the default mark ups that have already been created.
  • Click on Add to create a new sales commercial.
  • Short cut key: Right click on a row in the data grid to display the Maintenance menu list. Click on Add.

  • The Commercial Maintain screen will display.

Commercial Details

  • Commercial Name: Type in the name for the commercial you are creating.
  • Commercial Type: Click on the search button to display the Commercial Type drop-down menu.

Pricing by Type/Class

  • Click on TYPE - Pricing by Type/Class.
  • The data grid will list all Markups and / or Selling Price (Fixed Cost) based on a group - such as Part Category or Labour Type for example.

    Note that you can only specify a markup and / or selling price based on a group - such as Part Category / Labour Type.

Pricing by Item

  • Click on ITEM - Pricing by Item.
  • The data grid will list the specific discount and or selling price (fixed cost) for each individual item.

Default Markup

  • Specify the Default Mark up for the Customer:
    • Default Asset Markup: Type in the default markup for a serialised part sale, if applicable.
    • Default Inventory Markup: Type in the default markup for a non-serialised part sale, if applicable.
    • Default Labour Markup: Type in the default markup for a labour sale, if applicable.
    • Default Sub Contracts Markup: Type in the default markup for a third-party subcontract sale, if applicable.

      Note: If the mark up has not been set up on a specific item, then the default mark up will apply.

Commercial Specifics

The commercial specifics grid displays the Markup, Discount and FixedCost for specific items, e.g., discount on a certain labour type, or a consumable item, etc.

  • Click in the MarkUp, Discount or FixedCost column to set the amount for a specific item, e.g., discount on a certain type of labour.

    Note: The pricing details you specify will be the default price that will be reflected on the sales documents when it is created.

  • Type in or use the directional arrows to add the amount.
  • When all the Items have been updated, click on Save.

  • When you receive the Sales Commercials message to confirm;
    • The Commercials : Type Class Commercial has been saved.
  • Click on OK.

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