
Commercials - Edit Commercial

Ribbon Select Sales > Commercials

  • The Sales Commercials listing screen will be displayed.
  • This screen will display a list of all the sales commercials and the current default mark ups specified.
  • Click on the row of the commercial you wish to edit or update.
  • Click on Edit.
  • Short cut key: Right click on a selected row in the data grid to display the Maintenance menu list. Click on Edit.

  • The Commercial Maintain screen will be displayed.
  • Make the necessary changes to the Commercial Details, Default Mark-ups or Commercial Specifics, as required.
    • For the purpose of this manual, the Default Markups have been updated from 15 to 20.

Edit individual Items Types of a Sales Commercial

You can update the Markup percentage, Discount and / or Fixed Costs for an Item Type.

  • Click in the column, in line with the commercial Item you want to update.
  • Type in or use the arrows to increase or decrease the amount.
    • For the purpose of this manual, the Contractor Consulting fee has been adjusted in the Markup column from 0 to 20 percent.
  • After making the required changes, click on Save.

  • When you receive the Sales Commercials message to confirm -
    • The commercial : [] has been saved.
  • Click on OK.

  • The Sales Commercials screen will display the updated Markups.
  • Close the screen when you are done.

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