
Parts - Edit Part Definition Details

Part definition details may need to be edited after having been added and saved to the system.

Ribbon Select Inventory > Parts

  • The Part Listing screen will be displayed.
  • Select the row of the part definition where you wish to edit the details.
  • Click on Edit.

  • The Edit Part - [ ] screen will open.
  • Make the required changes to the relevant part definition details fields.

Note: The Part Type field is greyed out and uneditable in this screen.

  • In this example, the Part Description detail is to be edited.

  • When you finished editing the required fields -
  • Click on Save.

  • The edited details will be saved and you will return to the Part Listing screen.
  • The part definition row will be selected.
  • The edited details will be reflected in the column of the selected row.
  • In this example, the Description column reflects the change made in the Edit Part - [ ] screen.
  • Close the screen when you are done.

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