
Adjust Stock Into Store

If you are using the Stock Batch Tracking option, make sure to select the Batch Number for C-Class (non-serialised) items when adjusting stock. For more details, refer to Inventory: Stock Batches.

Ribbon Select Inventory > Adjustments

  • The Adjustment Requests listing screen will be displayed.

Add New Adjustment

  • Select the Site.
    • In this image, KwaZulu-Natal has been selected.
  • The status will default to New.
  • Click on Add

  • The Add new Adjustment Request screen will be displayed.

Adjustment Request Reason/Details

  • Reason Code: Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the menu the applicable reason code.
  • Requestor: This will auto populate with the person currently logged on to the system. Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list an alternative person, if required.

  • Contra Account: Click on the search button in this text box.

  • The Select a contra account for this adjustment screen will pop up.
  • Click on the row of the account number that you wish to link to this adjustment.
  • Click on Ok.

  • Request Date and Time: This will populate with the current date and time.
    • Date: You can either type in or click on the drop-down arrow and use the calendar function to select an alternative date if required.
    • Time: You can either type in or click on the arrow indicators to select an alternative time if required.

Request Comments

  • Comments: Click in this text box and type in a comment relating to this adjustment.

Request Parts/Items Frame

    Method 1
  • Click in the Part Code text box. (As you click in this field, the Contra Account Code text box will populate with the previously selected Contra Account Code.)
  • An Ellipsis button will be revealed.
  • Click on this button to display the Select a part pop-up screen.

    Method 2
  • In the Parts / Items frame, right click anywhere in a row of this data grid. (As you click in this field, the Contra Account Code text box will populate with the previously selected Contra Account Code.)
  • A Process menu will pop up.
  • Click on Add - Add Item to display the Select a part pop-up screen.

  • To adjust in a C-Class item, click on Stock Adjustment - C-Class Items for more information.
  • To adjust in an A/B-Class item, click on Stock Adjustment - A/B-Class Items for more information.
  • Stock Adjustment - C-Class Items

    • In the Select a part pop-up screen.
    • Select the row of the C-Class part/item that you wish to adjust into store.
    • Click on Ok.

    • The row will now populate with the Part Code, Part Description, and Part Type details.
      • Note: The Quantity column will populate with 1, but this number can be changed only for C-Class items when you move along this row adjusting the details as required.
        A-Class and B-Class serialised items can only be adjusted one item at a time, so the quantity will always be 1.

    Select Warehouse and Bin

    • If the warehouse does not auto populate or if you want to change the warehouse, do the following:
    • Click in the Warehouse Name text box.
    • An ellipsis button will be revealed.
    • Click on this button.
    • The Select a Warehouse for this part request screen will pop up.
    • Click on the row of the Warehouse where you wish to store this item/part.
    • Click on Ok.

    • Click in the Bin Location Name text box.
    • An ellipsis button will be revealed.
    • Click on this button.
    • The Select a bin for this part request screen will pop up.
      • Note: If there is only one bin linked to the selected warehouse then the BinLocationName field will populate with that one bin name. Otherwise the Select screen will pop up.
    • Click on the row of the Bin Location where you wish to store this item/part.
    • Click on Ok.

    Select Batch/Serial Number

    • Click in the Batch Number text box.
    • An ellipsis button will be revealed.
    • Click on this button.
    • The Select a batch//serial no. for this request screen will pop up.
    • Click on the row of the batch/serial numberthat you wish to adjust.
    • Click on Ok.

    • Unit Cost: This will auto populate with the cost of the selected part once the batch/serial number has been selected.
    • Qty SOH: This is the current Stock on Hand quantity and auto populates when the batch/serial number has been selected.

    Select Quantity

    • Quantity: Type in or use the arrow indicators to select the end stock on hand quantity, i.e., the quantity of stock you'll have after the adjustment is complete.
      (Example: Currently 3 in stock, adjusting in 2, Quantity must be 5).
      • Note: A-Class and B-Class serialised items can only be adjusted one item at a time, so the quantity will always be 1.

    Line Cost for C-Class Item

    • Line Cost: The system will auto calculate the sum of the unit cost x the quantity. (In this case, 899 Unit Cost x 5 Quantity = 1798 Line Cost).
    • In the new row you can add more items to the list if required.
      • Note: You cannot adjust multiple line items of the same part number in one adjustment for C-Class items.

    Save Request
    • When you have finished adding the adjustment request items, click on Save.

    Print Request

    • A Report Generation message box will pop up asking:
      • Do you want to print the adjustment request [ ]?
    • Click on Yes.

    • You will return to the Adjustment Requests listing screen.
    • An Adjustment Request Processing message box will pop up informing you that -
      • Adjustment Request No. [ ] saved successfully.
    • Click on OK.

    • You can then view the Adjustment Request report preview screen.
    • From here you can View, Print, Export or Email.
    • Close the report preview screen when done.

    Authorise Request

    • Note: This request must be authorised before the Stock Adjustment is completed.

    Stock Adjustment A / B-Class Item

      Method 1
    • Click in the Part Code text box. (As you click in this field, the Contra Account Code text box will populate with the previously selected Contra Account Code.)
    • An Ellipsis button will be revealed.
    • Click on this button for the Select a part screen to open.

      Method 2
    • In the Parts / Items frame, right click anywhere in a row of this data grid. (As you click in this field, the Contra Account Code text box will populate with the previously selected Contra Account Code.)
    • A Process menu will pop up.
    • Click on Add - Add Item for the Select a part screen to open.

    • In the Select a part screen.
    • Select the row of the A/B-Class part/item that you wish to adjust into store.
    • Click on Ok.

    • The row will now populate with the Part Code, Part Description, and Part Type details.
      • Note: The Quantity column will populate with 1 but this number can be changed only for C-Class items when you move along this row adjusting the details as required.
        A-Class and B-Class serialised items can only be adjusted one item at a time, so the quantity will always be 1.

    Select Warehouse and Bin for A / B-Class Item

    • If the warehouse does not auto populate or if you want to change the warehouse, click in the Warehouse Name text box.
    • An ellipsis button will be revealed.
    • The Select a Warehouse for this part request screen will pop up.
    • Click on the row of the Warehouse where you wish to store this item/part.
    • Click on Ok.

    • Click in the Bin Location Name text box.
    • An ellipsis button will be revealed.
    • Click on this button.
    • The Select a bin for this part request screen will pop up.
      • Note: If there is only one bin linked to the selected warehouse then the BinLocationName field will populate with that one bin name. Otherwise the Select screen will pop up.
    • Click on the row of the Bin Location where you wish to store this item/part.
    • Click on Ok.

    Batch/Serial Number for A / B-Class Item

    • Click in the Batch Number text box.
    • Type in the Serial No of the part you want to adjust into stock.

    Unit Cost and Quantity Stock on Hand for A / B-Class Item

    • Unit Cost: Type in the unit cost of this part.
    • Qty SOH: This is the current Stock on Hand quantity and will always auto populate as 0 for A/B-Class items since each item has a unique serial number.

    Quantity for A / B-Class Item

    • Quantity: The quantity will always auto populate as 1 for A / B-Class items since each item has a unique serial number.

    Line Cost for A / B-Class Item

    • Line Cost: The system will auto calculate the sum of the unit cost x the quantity. (In this case, 5 000 Unit Cost x 1 Quantity = 5 000 Line Cost). For A / B-Class items, the Line Cost will always be equal to the Unit Cost.
    • Add more items in the new row if required.
      • Note: You can adjust multiple line items of the same part number in one adjustment for A/B-Class items.

    Save Adjustment Request - A / B-Class Item

    • When you have finished adding the adjustment request items, click on Save.

    Print Adjustment Request - A / B-Class Item

    • A Report Generation message box will pop up asking:
      • Do you want to print the adjustment request [ ]?
    • Click on Yes.

    • You will return to the Adjustment Requests listing screen.
    • An Adjustment Request Processing message box will pop up informing you that -
      • Adjustment Request No. [ ] saved successfully.
    • Click on OK.

    • You can then view the Adjustment Request report preview screen.
    • From here you can View, Print, Export or Email the Adjustment Request.
    • Close the report preview screen when done.

    Authorise Request

      • Note: This request must be authorised before the Stock Adjustment is completed.

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