
Quotes - Accepted

Ribbon Select Sales > Quotes

  • The Sales Quotes listing screen will be displayed.
  • Select the Site where the quote was created.
    • The example has KwaZulu-Natal selected.
  • Sales Quotes can only be Accepted in the New Quote status.
    • Ensure the Status is set to New Quote.
  • Select the row of the Quote you wish to convert to accepted.
  • Click on Accepted.
  • Short cut key: Right click on the selected row in the data grid to display the All Groups menu list. Click on Accepted.

  • When you receive the Input Validation message to confirm -
    • Are you sure you want to update this quote, no. KZQT[ ] to be Accepted? Answer 'Yes' to mark it as Accepted.
  • Click on Yes, if you are certain about your selection.
    • Clicking on No will ignore the request and leave the Quote in the New Quote status.

View Quote in Accepted Status

  • You will return to the Sales Quotes listing screen.

    Note that the quote that has been Accepted will no longer be available in the New Quote Status list.

  • Change the Status by clicking on the drop-down arrow to display the Status drop-down list.
  • Click on Customer Accepted Quote.

  • The Sales Quotes listing screen will be filtered using the Customer AcceptedStatus selection.

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